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Eos D1s - no info on photo.net


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is there any particular reason, besides the abnormally high price,

why the Eos D1s is not mentioned anywhere on photo.net?


I'm looking into different Eos Digital SLR's and found it bizarre that

the top of the bill model is not mentioned in here anywhere.


What's all this fuss about the image stabilizing function from some

of Canon's lenses. E.g. What would the price be for an EF 75-300mm

f/4-5.6 IS USM ( or the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ) and what would i

loose when buying the EF 35-350mm f/3.5-5.6L USM instead.


What does this letter L mean behind the f/xx-yy value?

Sorry if it are a lot of questions but i'm making a big step

from a nearly 20 year old T50 to an Eos Digital model and need some

info before i do something i'll regret later.


Thanks for the info,


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Welcome back to a very exciting time in photography! There have been so many changes in the last 20 years that it's going to take a while to catch up. Here's a little reading to get you started.


Canon Lens Lineup: http://www.usa.canon.com/eflenses/lineup/index.html

Good site from Canon explaining all of their lenses and some of the technology behind them. L - is for the 'luxury' or very best lens that they make - distinguished with a red (and in one case green) ring around the lens. As for the IS - I have 2 lenses with this feature and love it. More on the site.


The top of the line (in my opinion anywhere) SLR '35mm' format digital camera is the EOS 1Ds (not D1s). Try reading here: http://luminous-landscape.com/reviews/cameras/1ds/1ds-field.shtml and then checking out the rest of the Luminous-Landscape site. Wonderful information there.


Another favorite of mine is Fred Miranda: http://www.fredmiranda.com

Fred specializes in Photoshop actions to get the most out of the higher end dititals.


Have fun!

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The market for the 1Ds seems to be small; it's an excellent studio tool, and an excellent PJ tool theoretically, but I haven't seen many "out there". There are many 1D specimens, lots of D30s and D60s, and of course a flood of digital Nikons, plus the occasional paleolithic EOS 1v HS or Nikon F5.<p>Obviously, most agencies think you don't need 11 Mp for news. I can't quite conceive a private user investing into the 1Ds, so few Photo.netters can report on it.<p>For actual numbers: the largest camera store in the city I currently live in (population 1.2 million) has sold a total of two 1Dses to non-commercial users to date; dozens of orders for the 10D rushed in within hours of Canon's press release on it.
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1) Hello, is there any particular reason, besides the abnormally high price, why the Eos D1s is not mentioned anywhere on photo.net?


Questioned Answered by greater heads than mine. However, I don't completely agree with Oliver's Assessment of the 1Ds. I know a number of Photojournalists using it. Also, I wouldn't call a Canon 1V HS or a Nikon F5 paleolithic! :p



2)I'm looking into different Eos Digital SLR's and found it bizarre that the top of the bill model is not mentioned in here anywhere.


Are you sure you want to spend $8000 on the top of the bill model before you explore modern SLR photograhpy and even digital SLR photography a little bit first? Why not get the CAnon 10D at 1/5th the cost, some good lenses, and all the things that you will need to go with them to make them useful. (You know, things like a computer, graphics software, a good printer, etc.)


3) What's all this fuss about the image stabilizing function from some of Canon's lenses. E.g. What would the price be for an EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM ( or the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ) and what would i loose when buying the EF 35-350mm f/3.5-5.6L USM instead.


Image Stablization is a technology patented by Canon that, for the most part, defeats a person's tendency to increase blur due to camera shake. So, on longer telephoto lenses with IS you can shoot at slower than normal shutter speeds than previously accepted. (Normal being the rule of thumb that says Shutter Speed >= 1/Focal Length) The price on the 75-300 IS lens is about $415, the price on the 70-200/2.8L IS lens is about $1700. By buying the 35-350/3.5-5.6L You are losing optical quality (not saying this isnt a good lens!), and IS. The 70-200 series by Canon is widely accepted as having the best optical quality available in a 35mm zoom.


4) What does this letter L mean behind the f/xx-yy value?

The "L" stands for Luxury. What that means in general terms is that these lenses are composed of the best optical elements that Canon can devise, good construction and build quality, and above all reliability. They cost more because they are better made.


5) Sorry if it are a lot of questions but i'm making a big step from a nearly 20 year old T50 to an Eos Digital model and need some info before i do something i'll regret later.


Here is my advice... If you are seriously considering entering the modern SLR age, you mioght just want to get the lenses I suggested and a film camera to get used to things. Or a 10D and find out if that has any limitations for you before investing $8000 in a 1Ds

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Gotta agree.


$8000 is a bit much in today's money for a 1DS. Not that $1500 for a 10D is cheap. And then there are the lenses. . . .


Besides the "full frame" issue (which hurts a telephoto fanatic like me <G>), The biggest advantange of the 1DS is the 11mp capability => do you really need that resolution? The next $1200 DSLR may be there in a year. . .


You probably should see if you like "digital" before spending big money on it.

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Thanks everyone. This message is a valuable source of info for me

and you can be sure i'll be reading it bit by bit today.

Haven't read all replies yet so i'm a bit short in my reply.


Good try Bob, i had almost bought you one. Keep on trying.

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Nick, I don't think we disagree. You wrote you know "a number of photojournalists" using the 1Ds, and the 'not many' I used refers to their number in relation to the number of other digital bodies in use.<p>IMVHO the money you need to spend on one 1Ds body is better invested in several lenses plus tons of computing power plus a nice trip unless you need the 11 Mp resolution or some other feature only the 1Ds has.
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Keeping some money aside a good pc & imaging software is a good point.

On the other hand, i haven't mentioned the fact that i already own a quite powerful pc and software. I happen to be a licensed Discreet

3dsMax5 & Combustion 2 user since a couple of years. And you need

some megapower to run them properly.


I've just downloaded & printed some reviews so i'll have enough reading material i can use when making the final decision.


Most of you have seen the 3 types of lenses i specified.

Does anyone happen to know the price for these lenses.

I've got absolutely no clue as to their price.


Thanks everyone,


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It's very east to figure out the price of a lens. Just go to www.bhphoto.com,

www.adorama.com, or www.keh.com and look through their online catalog.

They have everything you are looking into and more at the best prices you

can find. If you find a dramatically lower price, I would question the source as

these companies find ways to make up for it in other areas.


As for the 1Ds, everything you read on it will make you want to buy it... It is an

amazing camera. But seeing as you need lenses too AND this is your first

digital SLR, I would think the 1Ds is more camera than you will know what to

do with. The 10D is going to be a much better fit.

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I was being tongue-in-cheek... Calling a 1V HS paleolithic. Indeed! ;)



Julian seems to be a stickler. ;) He is right, I have never seen Canon "officially" refer to the L-series as luxury. But, I believ eit is in the Canon FAQ that has been floating arounf the internet since the early or mid-90's.





I listed some prices of the lenses I suggested to you. And the websites suggested a couple of posts up are where I would look first. I believe that if you click through to adorama.com via the link posted on the front of photo.net allows the web-site to get some sortof kickback...

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  • 2 weeks later...

If he has unpirated copies of 3dsmax and combustion... I'd say he's got some money to spend on the best of the best digital camera. Or at least he did before buying 3dsmax and combustion :^) If money were no object, I'd have a 1ds too.


...and all those threads on photo.net about Photoshop being to expensive! <a href="http://estore.discreet.com/dr/v2/ec_MAIN.Entry?CID=0&SID=37482&SP=10007&DSP=0&CUR=840&PGRP=0&CACHE_ID=0">Go Ahead and Click Me</a>

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