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Memorable Leica encounter.

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A couple of months ago, while I was in Hong Kong, I needed a tuneup

on my M6. I found a Portuguese gentleman in Macao and I thought I

share his Leica experience here.

I complained to him that my M6's shutter button was sticky and since

it had a CLA 2 years ago, I wonder if he can do a quick job in fixing

this annoying problem. He took me back to his tiny room (workshop)

and the speed in which he totally disassembled my Leica was amazing.

Within ahout 30 seconds, he stripped down my M6 completely, with only

the shutter housing intact. He removed the top plate, viewfinder, all

the little springs and parts. I was not amused at the time because I

only wanted a simple fix to the shutter button. He must have sensed

my concern and told me not to worry and told me he can perform a

complete CLA and tuned the camera back to like-new condition within

30 minutes, if I would care to wait. I told him to go ahead while I

waited in his office. By the time he re-appeared (not more than 10

minutes), he handed the camera back to me. I cocked the shutter and

fired a few blanks, it was superb. I tested all the intermediate

speeds and it was as smooth as new. In fact, it was better than new.

He told me, he performed a complete CLA and adjusted the shutter

brakes which was bouncing. I asked him how the hell he ended up in

Macao (a former Portugese colony) and found out that he worked for

Leica in Portugal and later on moved to Macao and established his own

business. In fact, his interest now deviated from his former

profession. He now is more interested in another form of craft.

Namely building model ships. He then showed me some of his hobbyist

work and I was an eye-opener. His proud display was a famous

Portugese merchant ship replica dating back to the 1600. It was big,

but totally enclosed in a glass bottle. I latter found out that

particular model ship is still in progress and he has been working on

it for 3 years now. The price, a cool 1/2 million Euro, ordered by an

industrialist in Germany that he wouldn't disclose the name.

There you have it....aother interesting person in the world of Leica.

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In an age of pervasive rat-race mentality and professional musical chairs, it is refreshing to hear stories of master craftsmen/women who perform an art or craft singularly well. Too bad he lives in Macao or I'd send him my leicas for CLAs :) cheers
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Having been to Macao I wouldn't have guessed that such a great Leica

craftsperson existed there. In the casinos there they have these great little

plastic signs that have an SLR camera with the red circle and slash thru it for

"No cameras". I have one of the signs on my office bulletinboard. Seems

appropriate for the M user.

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<<told me he can perform a complete CLA and tuned the camera back to like-new condition within 30 minutes, if I would care to wait. I told him to go ahead while I waited in his office. By the time he re-appeared (not more than 10 minutes), he handed the camera back to me. >>


So then DAG and Leica NJ et all let our Leica's sit on a shelf for 2 months 29 days 23.5 hrs so we'll think $300 is a fair price for a CLA ;>)

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>>So then DAG and Leica NJ et all let our Leica's sit on a shelf for 2 months <<


You know the old story about the man who hits a piece of machinery with a hammer and it works...


To hitting machine with hammer:- £0.01

To knowing where to hit machine:- £999.99

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I must first apologize for possibly wasting your time as well as those of other readers, but I have been holding back asking this question, and I know of no other way to contact you directly.

I used to live in Hongkong up until 35 years ago, and as a kid I knew a Henry Ting living on the same street in Diamond Hill.

I am also a Leica fan. Sorry if I have mistaken you for someone else.

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