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Lens element replacement info wanted

eos 10 fan

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There is a FS <a href=http://www.photo.net/gc/view-one.tcl?

classified_ad_id=526728>ad</a> in the classifieds for a beater 70-

200mm f/2.8L USM for USD$500 (not mine & I don't know the seller, but

seeing the ad inspired this Q). The front element is scratched up

pretty bad. <p>


So my question is: Has anybody had lens elements replaced? <br>

It doesn't matter if it was on the above mentioned zoom or some other

lens - I'm just curious about where (CPS?), cost and experience (did

you get a CLA at the same time?) <p>



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I bought a used 70-200 2.8L from a US store that I trusted well enough to spend $900(US)/$1400(Can). It was old but in very good shape. Until very close inspection, I noticed a hairline crack on the third front element (1/2 inch long, no further than about ¼ inch off the edge of the lens). I had a local store inquire about the cost to replace that element: between $500 and $800(Can). The crack does not affect picture quality. I waited too long for the American store to do anything about the cracked lens: if I send it now, they will have it fixed and charge me that amount.


I was told that to replace the second or third element on the 70-200 2.8L is amongst one of the most expensive element replacement that Canon does. One element is almost half the value of the lens.


If I were you, I would get a good lens, unless you want to expose it to a very unforgiving environment. Also, I would INSIST having that kind of work done at the REAL CANON repair shop, NOT an authorized repair shop. I heard too many horror stories coming from authorized repair shops. They may be good for little sh*t but not the big stuff. Replacing a lens and ensuring it is properly aligned is big stuff to me.


Good luck

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Yeah awhile back someone was talking about the giant thumb print the shop put on the inside of the front elment that he had sent off to be cleaned. Now if I paid the money to have it cleaned and had to ship it back for that I would be pi**ed.
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