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tom h.

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I'm shooting jewellery (necklaces, belts bracelets) on models in

two weeks time. I plan on mainly medium format , but I'm waiting

on a 90mm E/M to arrive, and I'm wondering if anyone has tried

something similar. I've taken to shooting a "quick" roll of 35mm

(m6ttl,TE/50) at the end of sessions "just in case". It's a lot

looser and sometimes you'll catch something you didn't notice

before. So I guess my question is: is it technically feasible (min.

focus, etc)without having to be overly inventive? answers/

suggestions most welcome.



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Your min. focus will be about 3.5 feet (1 meter) which is tight enough for a tight head/necklace picture. Your model will probably be a lot more relaxed without the size and noise of a MF SLR in her face. This should hold true even if she's being lit by big softbox equipped studio flash units. If you can shoot available light, perhaps outdoors, the silent little unimposing M camera can help you almost become one with your model. Get a conversation going, not just you doing all the talking/directing. Really try for a relaxed setting. Actually, you might be better off doing that first, then going for the big gun!


Another thought, if you have harsh lighting to give you strong specular highlights on the jewelry, is to use a weak Hasselblad softar on your Leica's 90, even if you have to use tape to hold it on the shade. It does wonderful things with sparkly jewelry!

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Tom. I've done quite a few jewelry shoots ... but on 5X4 with availability of

shifts/tilts. In general, be extra careful of reflections ... jewelry shows

everything! I'd be working on stronger diffused lighting source and as much

reflector fill as possible.Avoid specular reflections. Look closely at the product

before tripping the shutter. It's not unusual with early efforts to get dark

looking silver, gold and dead looking stones if you're not careful.

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Thanks lads for the replies, I think I'll try it with the 90. I can shoot

in either open shade (preferable), or with studio, lights,etc. and

the jewellery isn't particularly reflective, I don't think speculars will

be a huge issue. It was more the distance thing.



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