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Best place for LTM CLA in San Francisco area?

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I found a 1933 III for a near-giveaway price at a camera show last

weekend. RF is fine, but the shutter seriously needs lubrication.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good shop that works on old

LTM cameras in the greater SF bay area, or is DAG the best bet?

Thanks, the last question I posted here was quickly answered.

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With UPS, FedEx, Airborne Express, and USPS Priority Mail there is no reason IMO to have a Leica serviced locally unless you just happen to live in Madison, WI or Northvale NJ etc. DAG is my choice hands-down for M work. For LTM work, it's John Maddox, L&J Leica Repair, in Greenville, SC. Suprisingly reasonable rates (like $85 for a CLA)and he replaces rangefinder mirrors so they're brighter than a brand-new M, also makes and replaces shutters. Highly recommended.
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I'd say a good place to start would be Ken Ruth at Bald Mountain



He's along the coast, down towards Santa Cruz. I spoke with him on the phone about a Canon LTM lens I had, and he was very chatty and friendly. Seems to have a good rep as well.

I assume you picked up the Leica at the Santa Clara fairgrounds? I was tempted by a cool little Canon VT, but managed to retain control of my money...



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Thanks everyone, especially Jay. The camera went off to John Maddox this morning. Yes, I got it at last weekend's San Jose show, black paint and a rewind knob for $2400 less than a new MP. It ain't pretty, but after a CLA should work just fine.
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