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0.58 and 90mm

tom h.

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Have just about talked her into the 90mm f2.8 (maybe another

two weeks- think "water on stone") and I'm wondering about the

practical aspects of focusing it with a 0.58 VF. I bought the 0.58

version "on the day", not because of wearing eyeglasses (I do)

but because I preferred the way it "looked". I use a tri-elmar and

find there is enough leeway (when stopped down a couple of

stops) at all focal lengths for it to not really be an issue.

However, I rented a 90 for the weekend recently and found focus

to be much more critical. I know that this isn't the ideal

combination (0.58 & 90mm) but I'm sure I'm not alone. Does

anyone have any experience with this? Is the 1.25x magnifier a

necessity? I find it a difficult camera to use well at the best of

times, and any advice is most welcome.I'm getting an error

message when I search the archives.



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I have the .58 finder and a 90 Elmarit, and find the focusing very good if the situation has some contrast in the lighting or easy target points like plenty of vertical and horizontal plains. But I do use the magnifier as soon as the situation gets darker or less distinct. I think if you need/want the magnifier it will depend on the type of work you do.
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I use the same finder / lens combination as you (and wear glasses). I will echo what Steve has already said. I have found that the number of "keepers" has increased with the addition of the 1.25x magnifier, especially in difficult lighting situations or when I want to shoot relatively wide open.


Have fun.



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I'd think that the biggest advantage of a higher mag finder would be the bigger frame line, making it easier to compose a picture. The rangefinder has about the same magnification and accuracy as the old screw mount cameras, and Leitz used to make an 85mm f/1.5 for those!
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