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Cokin filters on 24-70L, 16-35L


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I'm tired of screwing around with those overlight bright skies and

the dark landscapes, so I'm thinking about getting a Cokin filter

system (mainly the split ND0 .6) but I worry about my 24-70. Not

that I want to shoot wide open (f/5.6 or f/8 maybe) but still at 24mm

I worry. Who has used Cokin P filters with this lens? I have also

seriously been considering the 16-35 as my next zoom, but should I

even expect to use any Cokin (X series sounds expensive) filters on

the 16-35?

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I've used Cokin P on both the EF 20 2.8 and the EF 24 2.8 and had no problems when using a trimmed down filter holder (I sawed away the outermost filter slots leaving just one).

Thus, I guess it works also for the 24-70 L. But like you I would like to here from someone who have tried it, since I'm also considering buying the lens.

PS: For split ND filters I can really recommend HiTech (the "hard edge" version), cheap, no color cast and very nice transition. See an example at <A href = "http://www.photo.net/photo/381056&size=lg">here</A>. I would also recommend you to get the 0.9 and 1.2 versions since I find 0.6 is often a bit to little.

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It works with the prime lenses because the filter thread is usually 52 or 58mm. The front of the lens is physically smaller. With f2.8 zooms you are looking at around 77mm (my Tokina is 77mm) therefore it's physically much bigger and all you are going to see is the Cokin holder. In short you will have difficulty using Cokin P filters much under 50mm with this type of lens. You could try holding the grad filter in front of the lens by hand, or with bluetak or whatever.
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I tried a Cokin holder with 3 slots on a 17-35mm lens, no vinetting until around 22-24mm. So, I think the holder should be fine with 24-70 lens.


When 2 slots are sawed off from the holder--left only 1 slot, there is no vinetting at 17mm. I've never the holder at 16mm but I think it should be fine.


Now I use Lee wide-angle holder to make sure that filter system is compatible with all types of lenses, and more than one filter can be used at a time.

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Why not simply use the fliter itself and electrical tape on the very edges of it and tape it to the lens? This is what Tim Fitzharris does with his medium format gear. It is what I'll do with my 70-200 this summer when I go out in the mountains.
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Cheap Cokin filters on an L series lens? I don't know if that's such a great idea - I've not been overwhelmingly impressed by the Cokin filters I've tried. The Cokin P holder is fine, though you may have to saw off the outer two slots to avoid vignetting, as mentioned above - I had to do that on my 20mm 2.8. I second Hitech as a decent filter for a reasonable price.
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NK Guy,<p>

I've leant toward the Cokin filters <b>because</b> they were so cheap that it seemed I could get some really nice control in exposure on negative rather than having to do it half assed in the darkroom. Looking on 2filter.com, it seems that the Hitech filters aren't that expensive either in the 85mm P size flavor ($30 for the ND grad). But how does Cokin compare to Hitech. It seems if Hitech sounds better then I would have no qualms about spending $10 more per filter to get superior sharpness. If I'm going to set all that junk up the end result better be damn clear.<p>

More importantly, how does Lee compare to Hitech, with Lee being over twice the price. The fact that Hitech still calls it a "Neutral Density" tells me something. Would I ever care if I had Hitech and not Lee?

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BTW, I've been reading far too much about these filters tonight and I noticed some complaints about glare, flare, and annoying things like that. So, my first intention for shooting with these filters is a traffic trails shot (look in my portfolio, I have a bunch) but this time around sunset, so I could have a dramatic sky. However, if all the car headlights are going to be streaking through the frame would this be a concern for glare, expecting a 24mm lens stopped down to f/11 and probably just one filter attatched by a wide-angle holder?
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