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Big mini 301 Lag between Shots And Battery Getting Hot

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I recently acquired a Konica Big Mini 301 which is absolutely Pristine But the Battery gets very hot and there is a delay of 30 seconds between shots, possibly capacitor problem. I am a camera repairer but I have not attempted to repair point and shoots before so if anyone has any idea's or information I would be grateful to hear from them.

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  • 2 months later...

Indeed might be a defective flash capacitor as you suggest. Camera will not be "ready" until flash is ready to fire, even if not needed; would explain the delay. One possible test before buying a replacement capacitor would be to somehow trick the camera to turn on with the case open, then off, and measure the decay of the capacitor voltage; normally it stays at "lethal" (actually strong jolt) level for several minutes. Which is why one should discharge that capacitor (through a 1k-ohm resitor) when working inside a P&S.

Replacement capacitor should have: equal or larger voltage (imperative) equal or smaller dimensions (imperative), approximately equal capacitance (not crucial). Search "flash capacitor" on aliexpress.

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I once tried to repair a Minolta point and shoot, and received the worst electric shock I've ever had from the flash capacitor. This as an electrical engineer of 41 years experience working on voltages up to 33,000 volts.

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