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Canon M system officially discontinued in Japan

Ken Katz

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While only official in Japan (home market),  where the M has sold well, the rest of the world will follow of course.  No real surprise once the RF system was announced, but it leaves another Canon lens system orphaned.  IMHO, Canon should have engineered the M mount to be compatible with their future FF offerings, like the Sony E mount, but alas, that did not happen.

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Ah well! I bought an EOS M5 in late 2018 but haven't invested a whole lot in additional stuff. It came with the 18-150 kit lens. Added a 22mm f/2 prime for compact use, and a 7Artisans manual macro for film scanning.  Bought adapters to use my EF and EFS stuff on it, as well as FD lenses. So-o-o-o, as long as that M5 continues to work, that should keep me going. At my age, it may well outlast me!

For casual use, I still have a G15 that falls between my iPhone and the M5, and in fact since the 13 Pro acquired last year, hardly use the cameras! But then haven't traveled much lately either. Last big outing for the M5 was a Rhine cruise pre-Covid.

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