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Lensboard size-Componon-s 135 enlarging lens?


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Got a Schneider componon-s 135mm enlarging lens on ebay for a real

steal, but having a hard time figuring out right lensboard for my

Beseler 45. The thread is just a slight bit larger than the leica

39mm on my 50mm lens, and not nearly as large as the hole for my

Schneider 100mm. Can't seem to find the right lensboard hole size in

stock at B&H, Adorama, etc. Any ideas?

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An inelegant solution but an effective one.


Get a DVD case-black sheet ABS or polyethylene plastic, then cut out a smooth section the size of the mounting in the enlarger, or lensboard opening in the camera for that matter, then with the same sharp box cutter or shears, or a cricle cutter, cut a hole in the sheet 1/4 mm smaller than the outer diameter of the threaded protion. Then you can screw the lens into the soft plastic, making your own thread. Or, you can get an old 42 mm Screw mount Pentax type lens and use that to make the threads


You can then reinforce and stiffen the sheet by gluing strips of the same plastic along the sheet. It should then fit into teh board holder on the enlarger.


Cost less than 1$ and 1/2 Hr.



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