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My Epson 2200 Died!!

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I thought I'd run this by the group and see if anyone has any

suggestions or ideas. Yesterday, I was printing merrily along with my

Epson 2200 when my Cyan ink ran out. Just like a zillion times

before, I dutifully changed cartridges. After replacing it with a

brand new cartridge tho', the LED light that corresponds to the Cyan

would not go out! I pulled it out and re-seated it. No go. I just

happened to have a spare, brand new, Cyan cartridge so I unwrapped

yet another one and pressed it into place. Same thing. I've re-booted

a bunch. I unhooked it from the PC to do a printer check, but it

won't because the LED light's on. Epson's driver says something about

my not using a "Genuine Epson Cartridge". Well, I've tried

two "Genuine" Epson cartridges to no avail. After going to Epson's

site, I see that they want me to *snail mail* them a letter

explaining the problem!! (What kind of service is that?) I know -

there are phone numbers in the manual, but of course Epson's not open

today (Sunday). Anyone ever seen this one before? Any ideas? Any

recommendations on service centers? Thanks! ...Beau

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I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. I tried cleaning the contacts in the printer and on the carts. Even unplugged the printer for a while. Nothing worked.


I called Epson and explained all that I had done and they offered me a replacement printer! Sent it out 2nd day air. I got the basic printer (no attachments) and a complete set of ink along with a return shipping lable for UPS. UPS left the replacement at my house even though no one was at home. Give them a call. I used (562) 276-7296.


BTW - the new ink that I put in the broken printer would not work in the new printer. Something in the broken printer probably fried the chip inside the carts. So I lost those new carts - but then again I got 7 new carts with the new printer. Also - I was able to pull the good carts out of the old printer and use them as replacements in the new printer once the new ink ran out.


Good luck. They were very good to me.

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Thanks to all!! Interesting you had the same problem... I'm glad to hear Epson was responsive. Interesting too about the chip on the cartridge getting fried... I had 2 cartridges, so when the first didn't work, I put in a second and still no-go. I tried cleaning with the Q-tip and still no go... BUT, after swapping the 2 cartridges back and forth, one of them finally "took" and the LED finally went out. The printer seemed to "think" more than it normally does when changing an ink cartridge and afterwards I noticed that, whatever it was doing sure sucked out a LOT of my ink in other cartridges. This is weird - my yellow ink was about a quarter full when this started. After one of the cyan cartridges "took", the yellow was pretty much gone! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!! Thanks again!
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