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New (2nd hand) Canon EOS 5D mk iv


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I'm not sure whether this is the right sub-forum to post and I'm not sure whether members are interested. If not, please delete!

I'm just an amateur/volunteer photographer so I don't need the latest professional camera. I do have a couple of good quality Canon (or Canon-compatible) lenses.  I'm definitely  not a 'gearhead''. If the gear I have does the (amateur/volunteer) work that I want, then it's fine. 

I've used a (2nd hand) Canon 6D for many years and it's been absolutely fine. At that time, this was my 'dream' FF upgrade from my previous Canon 40D. A couple of years ago (through my own fault) the main dial on my 6D fell off. The metal bit of the dial still worked and because I almost always use the camera in AP priority,  it hasn't been too much of a problem. Whenever I needed to switch to Shutter priority, or manual, I could work out in the viewfinder (using the dials)  which shooting mode I was in.

But for the last couple of years, I've been thinking about another 'upgrade'. 'Upgrading' to the Canon 6D mk ii didn't - at that time -make much sense to me. So I've now bitten the bullet and bought a 2nd hand Canon 5D mk iv. I must say that the camera and the whole package look as good as new!  So I'm delighted with my on-line delivery from a reputable camera shop.

I was surprised to discover that the 5D mk iv was released in 2016 - just 4 years after my trusty 6D. It's still advertised as a  'current DSLR' on the Canon websites. No doubt that Canon has since then has shifted its investments and development towards mirrorless. DSLR's are a dying breed. But  (as an oldie,) I like DSLRs and I have no motivation to buy a Canon Mirrorless and figure out what adapters I need to use my lenses. Moving from a 6D to a 5D mk iv is pretty much 'plug and play'.

I'm sure may of you use a 5D mk iv.

Any thoughts?




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You are in the right place, Mike.

I have been shooting with the same Canon 5D MKIV since it was introduced. Still is my go-to camera. I also owned a 6D, 7D, 40D, 350D listed in reverse progression, I also have an A7R3 with Metabones 5 adapter, so all my Canon lenses work on it. That camera gets used and my second camera on paying shoots, The 5D MK IV is my go-to camera. They are still making it and servicing them. It is a good camera. My 6D took great photos too. Though it lacked a lot of features that the 5D MK IV has like more and better focus points, higher res, PC port for triggering studio flash. Great build quality. I have not used the 6D MK II. I know the price has come down on new 5D MK IVs. At this point while I would like to move to the new R5 MK II coming out, to upgrade with new lenses, I am not willing to start over and probably would need to spend $10,000 in R camera gear to get what I already have in EF-Mount. But who knows down the road, I might hit the lottery. 😗 But love my 5D MK IV while it has been amazing, wit the new Lightroom and Photoshop AI Noise reduction and enhance features, it has taken this camera to the next level. In fact, I probably at some point will start going through past shoots going back years and run those shots through the new AI features. But this is another story. Back to the point, the 5D MK IV is a great camera. You will have to decide what is right for you. Good luck and hope you participate in our Cano Photo Thursday. All welcome.

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Cheers, Mark
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I shot with a 5D IV for quite a number of years. I loved it. It's definitely a step up from the 6D in several respects. In many ways, I think it's close to an ideal DSLR: superb image quality, superb ergonomics, pretty good dynamic range, etc. 

The AF system is a lot more sophisticated than that of the 6D, so give yourself time to become acquainted with it. Also, a lot of things are customizable. It took me a few weeks to get it all set up to optimize it for my uses.

Re noise reduction and enhance: if you shoot in reasonable light, expose well, and don't crop severely, you won't often need either of these. I find the AI noise reduction in Lightroom quite good, and in some cases, it does better than I can do manually, but I don't often need it. I've exhibited prints up to 17 x 22 taken with that camera, without any enhancement. 

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Thanks for your reply, @paddler4! Good to hear your endorsement of the quality of the mk iv too! Yes, I am looking forward to exploring the 'extra' capabilities and features of the mk iv compared to my trusty 6D. I (voluntarily) publish almost all of my photo's digitally so I'll be interested to see what (if any) difference is visible on-screen. Even if there's no or little visible difference, my impression is that the mk iv is a much better camera then the 6D to use when shooting.

FWIW, with the 6D, I've only applied noise reduction if my small final selection of photo's had obvious high ISO noise. Especially on faces and flat surfaces. I don't 'enhance' much in Lightroom. Only slight boosts to 'clarity' and 'vibrance' when I think they add anything to the photo which I always take in a 'neutral' picture style.

I have no regrets in buying a second hand 'good as new' mk iv. But - just out of interest - I'll also compare the mk iv with the current 'R' range, some of which I noticed (to my surprise) are also selling second-hand. But I'd already decided that - at my age (67) - I'd pass on getting into new (and for me unknown) technology..





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No doubt this is sorted by now, but although I coughed up for the Canon 5DIV back in 2016, I am not convinced it was worth the cost up from the 6D. It is a better camera (more AF points, slightly higher fps, higher resolution), but I enjoyed my time with the 6D more. The main thing I disliked was the 5DIV’s increased size. It fitted poorly into my bags and was noticeably bigger and heavier, I felt it was a poor return on investment given the improvements over the excellent 6D. In fact, ever since spending that money I have resolved never to pay over $3000 ever again for a camera. A secondhand one now is going to be way cheaper, so that complaint is moot for the OP. It is a good camera, but it was the camera that made me transition to an m43 system, although I have since acquired a Sony for my old EF lenses. I guess what I’m saying is that, unless the improvements of the 5D will really make a difference, I’d probably have got the 6D2.

Edited by Robin Smith
Robin Smith
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When I first purchased the 6D and I still had my 7D, the 6D while an excellent full frame camera seemed like a real step down from the features of the 7D, less focal points, lack of buttons and you had to go into the menu to do things the 7D had buttons for. Don't get me wrong, the 6D had better low light and noise, just lacked features like PC port to trigger studio flash. The 7D was like the pro crop sensor camera. No regrets going to the 5D MKIV 

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