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"Yanked" Ratings...?

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A picture of mine ( http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?

photo_id=1357708 ) received a 7/7 rating from someone. I thought it

was humerous because this is obviously not 7/7 worthy... not even

close. But It was kinda cool to see it, anyway. ;) A few days after

the rating was posted, it and the comment that accompanied it

dissapeared. I'm wondering..why...? I didn't think critiquers could

go back and delete their ratings...? What happened? Anyone know of

this kinda thing happening before...and why? Just curious.

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Erin, I think Daniel has a point, it was very likely an attempt at attracting reciprocation. I know of a fellow who recently yanked around 2 000 rates that "didn't work" - i.e. failed to attract a reciprocal rating and gushing comment so his pics could dominate some PN search engine page or other. <p>

One could delete rates until a week or two ago; now that can only be done by a moderator so far as I'm aware. Cheers.

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Thanks so much guys! The thought had crossed my mind when I first saw it...but I guess I just figured that it was a bit to obvious...apparently not :P I guess that must've been it though...


How crappy is that? :P I don't even see how that sort of scam would create enough 7/7 ratings to accomplish whatever he was trying to do. I never even checked out his "portfolio"


Well, wehatever..Thanks everyone!

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This is why I put something in my "personal biography" about ratings. I tend to rate high as a personal principle, but I don't want people to think that they have some sort of "duty" to come to my photographs and gush over the image and give it a high rating. Let people know that it is appreciated, but not necessary as a form of reciprocation.



Maybe if this happens to you a lot, you should write a little note to post with your pictures or into your biography.




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