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3 upcoming digital cameras


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Hi! I am posting this for a friend who is in the market

for a digital camera, mostly for work (locations scout

photography for film/TV) but also for general friends/party/travel

pics. The 3 upcoming cameras the salespeople are pitching him


Pentax Optios, Canon S400, Nikon SQ.

Sorry if these modelnames are incomplete but this is what he has

jotted down for me. Does anyone have any general thoughts on these 3

models, their predecessors, expectations, etc.?

Thanks in advance!

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Any of these are going to be good cameras. The Coolpix SQ does not have an optical finder, some people are bothered by that. For what they will be using the camera for I would suggest the Canon s30 or S45. They offer voice annotation of the pictures and your friend may find this feature helpful.
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