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Leica M bags are too pretty for the real world

jorn ake

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I live in the Czech Republic and shoot a lot of street photography.

Pickpockets live here too, as in other European cities. Fact of life.

I carry my M cameras in an old beat-up courier bag with Domke wraps to

be inconspicuous. I would like a bag with a few dividers though so I

can carry a camera and a pound of coffee without entanglement. I would

also like to ditch the wraps - too slow. All the M-suitable bags that

I have seen are way too pretty (M-Classics, Billingham) or look like

camera bags (Lowepro etc) or (ugh) waist packs. Even the courier bags

are too pretty now. I have an old Domke bag from a retired AP

photographer that is lightly padded black canvas, has been washed like

30 or 40 times, and shot full of holes. Perfect - except I would like

a big zipper under the flap to prevent hand intrusions. While my

camera is around my neck or in my hand most of the time, hiding a

camera without outward advertisement occasionally is invaluable - like

on the metro. Any suggestions, beyond sewing and washing and shrapnel?

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A worn out M-classics bag can hardly be described as too pretty for street photography. I like mine and I don't feel like I'm advertising it or drawing unwanted attention to myself when carrying it. Don't forget that the only ones interested in Leica's are the Leicaphiles. Most others prefer a rebel over a Leica anytime. Exception might be the new shinny MP's...
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I've recently begun putting my favorite bag (a well worn Atan) with

its top-flap open, inside a plain canvas shoulder bag, the kind

with an open top. With this arrangement over my shoulder, the

outer bag completely hides the inner, even from people standing

right next to it (the "open" top actually stays "closed" from the

tension of its own shoulder-strap), and, since the inner bags top

flap is folded back and stuck between it and the outer bag,

access to cameras is actually quicker/easier/more discrete than

it I'd been using either bag alone.

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I use a Domke F5XB for a low-profile, small M excursion kit. I think it could handle a pound of beans without drawing too much attention. And if you like, you can wash it 30 - 40 times to give it your retired AP look (don't forget to put a few bullets through it as well).
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I carried 2 M6's and 4 lenses all over Prague in a Domke F5XB and the only person who noticed I was carrying Leicas was another Leica photographer. Nonetheless, no matter how un-camerabag-like a bag is,or how ratty looking, *any* bag is going to arouse the curiosity of a street thief. Believe it or not, pickpockets are interested in other items besides Leicas--such as money. My personal choice for urban areas (in cooler weather anyway)is a lightweight vest with zipper pockets, worn underneath a slightly-oversized zip-up windbreaker. Out of sight, out of temptation.
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Ahoj Jorn...

Maybe I'd like your Beat up Domke...I'll trade you a 1 year old Domke if your interested or I'll just buy yours if you want to sell. I use Czech Army Ammo bags that I get at a Army shop on Zitna, Call me if youre interseted on my mobile 602682658 or home at 257311424...I live in Mala Strana...been living in this country for 10 years. I have honestly never felt any danger in this part of the world as long as I keep an eye on my gear...and I use Leica M's and Rollei TLRs daily.


Maybe meet for a pivo if you have time.


Zatim Ahoj,



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Coffee 'cause in order to take photographs, first I have to wake up. And plus, you just need a multi-tasking carry-all as Prague is really a pedestrian city (unlike most US cities) and the weather is cold-wet-warm-sunny-snowing (in the spring, sometimes everything within a 20 minute period.) Then there are crowded metros and trams and running to catch them. Military bags (and diaper bags! excellent) look like good ideas. And while I have never felt in danger anywhere here and I have insurance, street photography is an inconspicuous art so seems like a bag should be as quiet as the click of my camera's shutter. Part of the whole thing I suppose.
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I've been using a

[<A HREF="http://www.crumpler.com.au">Crumpler Courier Bag</A>] ("Roll-o-notes") for a few weeks now. Strong material and strap, plenty of padded room inside, outer flap is secured with velcro and clips and most importantly, looks absolutely nothing like a camera bag.<P>


You can get them in a range of (sometimes fluro) colours. I got bright blue.<P>


The Billingham Hadley Small just sits in a closet now - no matter what I did to it or how worn it got, it still looked like a "Camera Bag!" and would attract a little too much attention whenever I was shooting in department stores or supermarkets...

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