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Disappeard ratings

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What is going on with the member's ratings on photo.net?



Within a couple of months at least 300 ratings that I have given to

other member's photos have disappeard continuously (2 since

yesterday). On the other hand, ratings of my own photos - particulary

of high rated photos having 11 or 12 ratings - have been withdrawn. Is

there something wrong with the database or could there be anybody who

has access to the member accounts?



Regards, Peter.

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Were the ratings given on brilliantly tacky images?


Were several framed with a really vulgar border and a hideous Bart Simpson look-a-like mascot jumping up & down all over them?


Yes, yes....I've noticed a similar trend. It's as if there's some sort of Secret Police lurking in the background.


It's getting scary, isn't it?


Mothers...hold your bay-bees close....

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People can delete their ratings, and commonly do. People also continuously delete photos, and the ratings are deleted automatically when they do. There are currently just short of 500,000 photos in the database. The photo-ids are handed our sequentially, and the highest photo_id is in the 1300000 range. The deletion rate is pretty high -- although it is not as high with the photos that people rate.
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I have a strategy where I put photos up for a time, a month or longer and then delete them, whether they have ratings or not and whether they have high ratings or low ratings.


My reasoning is to use the photo.net space like an exhibition or gallery show which has a limited time span. A show might last a month. I like to put up fresh work. I think the maximum number of photos I had up at one time was around 120 photos but that is a hazy recollection. As a subscriber I am permitted to post up to 200 photos, but I doubt I will get even close to that because of my strategy. Today I have 45 photos uploaded to photo.net in two folders ( bw and colour ).


I have noticed no "erosion" of ratings on my photos as you have seen, Peter.

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I just disabled it this morning. As a result of this thread, I realized that there aren't many good reasons for people to be able to delete or modify their ratings. We've heard of people rating high and then changing or deleting their rating when it isn't reciprocated. We've also heard of people rating low, then changing it or deleting it to cover their tracks if it looked like the photographer was going to complain. The Manage Ratings feature also exposes people to pressure to change or delete their rating.


The "Manage Ratings" feature was first introduced way back in August 2001, when the ratings were first made non-anonymous. It was thought that people would appreciate the opportunity to save face by removing or changing previously anonymous ratings that they might have regretted. However, it is hard to see why somebody would need to be able to "manage" their ratings now. A person's honest first impression is probably the most valid.

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It _says_ you can't do it, but you still can.


I know because I just spent some time deleting most of my old ratings which, due to going through one or more conversion processes in the ridiculous ever-changing rating system, were all extremely low.


That's is the one reason you'd want to manage your ratings: brainless conversion scripts.

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Unless I'm losing my mind (which is completely possible) I don't think so. I even tried loading manage-ratings with different urls (manage-ratings.tcl manage-ratings?foo=bar) which should have defeated any caching, and the broken links are still there. It's the captions and photographers' names. They aren't links for you?
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Mark: My mistake. There used to be "Edit/Delete" links on that page. I overlooked the fact that the photographer's name and photo caption are links to "edit" also. I assumed they were links to the photographer's page and the photo page (which would have been more intuitive, given there were already Edit/Delete links on the page.)
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