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M6 flare fix from MP - Leica's response

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I recently asked Leica USA about the possibility of the MP flare fix

being retrofitted to the M6. Dave Elwell didn�t know at the time, but

was kind enough to get back to me with this:


�Here is the answer I got from Germany about the rangefinder. It has

not been determined yet if the other cameras can be modified. Right

now they are concentrating on getting the new cameras built.


The MP rangefinder has an additional lens element on the frame masks,

it is cemented on to them. This avoids straylight which has caused the

so called "white-out" problem. The solution is quite similar to the

M2/M4/M5 glass viewfinder masks. We also have changed the hole and the

geometry of the mirror in front of the masks.�


Thought this might be of interest to some of you.

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Sounds like it's perfectly possible, but Leica's not stupid. They know that if an M6 can be retrofitted for anything under $1000 a lot of people will do this not only to save money but to retain the modern rewind crank and in the case of the TTL, also the larger and reversed shutter dial.


Bt here's the real corner they've painted themselves into: if Leica makes the retrofit available to M7 owners, it will be obvious that it will fit the M6 as well since they have identical rangfinders. OTOH if they don't make it available to M7 owners--these cameras are at most 1 year old!--it will be IMO a major misstep on their parts in terms of customer PR. True, no other manufacturer would give a hoot, but Leica is dependent on a small loyal following which IMO they should not risk alienating.

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In a perfect world, anything can be done. Well, almost.


"No can do" means the costs will be prohibitive for me.


"Yes can do" for the rest of you, where money is no object. You lucky son of a gun.


Anybody wants to offer me a part time job? I'll do windows!!!!

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If we'd known Leica already planned to produce a new body with the flare fix (Erwin had an MP in his hands 2 years ago, a year before the M7 went on sale)I doubt any of us would have bought the M7 without it. And Leica has claimed that every model was perfection.
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Its really very easy, and something Leica has done since the Leica M4-2 - cost cutting, cutting corners, 'cheaper to make, but just as good', There is a reason the Wetzlar cameras are in demand. As for the MP, you can't complain if they got it right finally. But a fix for the M6/M7... if it ever did happen, think of it as a 'custom' job with appropriate cost.
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The thing is Jay, Erwin may have had an 'MP' in his hands 2 years ago, but if it was a prototype, nothing guarantees that any or all of the components of 'that' MP are incorporated in the current incarnation.


Besides which, people have been buying M6 and M7 since 1984, and if many of the people are to be believed who are complaining in this forum, the viewfinder flare has been a major issue in compromising the performance of the camera? No doubt the MP will therefore be essential and sales should be excellent! But I really suspect that after a little crying and wailing many of those people will go back to using their M6's, and once a year, regular as clockwork, continue to notice an example of flare.

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OK, now I'm off my butt and typing again....

First, the damn M4-P/M6/M7 finder is BRIGHTER than

the M4/M2/etc....yes, EVEN if they're clean....yes, it flares

more, a bit more, under the oft-mentioned dark room/bright light

situation....and (more importantly than any flare issue)...

the post-M4 rfs NEVER hold their adjustment the way my M2/3/4/5

did....there's your trade-off....


Personally, I prefer the overall "gestalt" (SP?) of the M4....

the "peak" of the bell curve as I call it....(I still have my

M4)...but in the later cameras you get brighter framelines,

contrastier finder, perhaps a bit brighter as well, flare that

has NEVER affected your ability to photograph...and a price that

in adjusted dollars is CHEAPER than a late M4 was in the seventies.

Oh, for you weenies, there's a built in meter......and even

AE in the M7....


I get a kick out of folks today...our students here at the

School of Visual Arts can't IMAGINE a camera without AF...

or one with a wind lever, for that matter.....and we're still

discussing minutae over a 50 year old camera. (which is what

ALL M's are!!)


Walt (in need of spring break.....)

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"But I really suspect that after a little crying and wailing many of those people will go back to using their M6's, and once a year, regular as clockwork, continue to notice an example of flare."


Have you ever heard the expression "kill your darlings?" It refers to the editing process, and how you must throw away pretty things you've created that nonetheless don't work.


While it's a fine thing to try and imagine what others must be experiencing and to try to get it into words, the mockery and condesension in your post undermine your writing. You are too impressed with your own cleverness.

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Kevin, there are so many anal retentives in this forum that it beggars belief. But I don't actually believe that all those complaining about viewfinder flare are genuinely concerned. That is, they wouldn't even know about, or register a problem, if a vocal minority didn't constantly whine about their own little bugbear! These posts go into an archive, and I for one, but not I imagine on my own, feel that minority reports and 'crying' should be put into context. The research for all of the potential and actual Leica users out there should not be swayed by a very few people. So where are you coming from? Anal retentive or censor?
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"But I don't actually believe that all those complaining about viewfinder flare are genuinely concerned."


...and clairvoyant, too!


If you don't experience flare, then good for you. Some people do, some don't, for whatever reason. I love my M6, but I experience flare damn near every time I put it to my eye. My M2 didn't do that, neither does my Hexar RF. Now, miraculously, neither does the MP.

Leica could have fixed this problem long ago had they wanted to. Bean counters won out, apparently.


I expect more from an expensive camera like the Leica than I do a Canonet. I guess that makes me 'anal.'

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