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Which film, does it matter?


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Can anyone tell me if there is a big difference in B&W films on 4x5

or larger size? Someone told me there is no real difference due to

the size of the neg.


I'm happiliy using T-max 100, but heard that Agfa APX is much

cheaper. On the other hand, some people claim that Berger film

outclasses the rest. If so, in what way?

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I suppose it does matter to some degree if you are pursuing an interest in alternative processes. however, I think one of the greatest distractions and waste of energies is the pursuit of Nirvana vis-a-vis films and developers. I believe that if these energies were redirected to the focus on your subject and the light that finds its way to film, that you would be better served. just a personal opinion from someone that has plumbed the depths and found the endeavour interesting but of dubious value.


use your TMX and explore the wonders it has to offer.

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I think this can get overargued but different films do have different

characteristics in terms of sharpness, grain, tonal values, etc. and ....... which

one you prefer is , to a large extent, subjective. Further, which you prefer

deopends a lot on the type of images you are shooting and if you are doing

your own processing and what developer you use, on and on and on.


If weight is an issue, e.g. you want to stick with one film holder and you are

going to use Fuji Quickloads for your chromes then why not take a look at

ACROS 100 which also comes in Quickloads. I love it; nice contrasty film,

works well in Rodinal for me, blah blah blah .....



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