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sean corley

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Last year I posted a question asking for advice on a 4 week trip I

had planned through the southwest during Jan & Feb. Well after 5500

miles of driving on the wrong side of the road and not having to use

the snow chains once, I'm glad to say I'm still in one piece with

enough photos and great memories to last 2 lifetimes. I'd like to

thank everyone who gave advice as I found it invaluable.

The weather was great for travelling (exceptionally warm for the

southwest I was told) but almost a little too good for photography.

(too many clear blue skies).


Got to see Morro Bay, Elephant seals at San Simeon, Sequoia Nat Pk.

Yosemite, Hadn't planned to originally, but took the 88 & 395 to Mono

Lake before heading to Death Valley, Zion, Bryce, Then took HW 12 &

HW 24 through Capitol Reef to Arches (I'd recommend this drive)

Unfortunately I didn't have time to stop in Capitol Reef. If I had of

stopped I would most probably still be there. The landscape blew me

away. Spent an afternoon and morning at Canyonlands before heading to

Mesa Verde, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon,Saguaro Nat Pk. & Sonoran

Desert Museum, before heading back to San Diego and then L.A. to fly

home to Australia.


I couldn't pick a favorite place. Crowds were non-existent. Delicate

Arch at sunset, Mesa Arch, Mono Lake, Bryce Point & Valley View at

dawn totally deserted except for me. I've been spoilt. If, or should

I say when I come back it will have be another winter trip. The

thought summer crowds just doesn't appeal.


Thanks again for everyone's help and when I get organized I'll scan

some of my shots and post them.


Thanks again

Sean Corley.

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Sean, glad you had a good trip. If you have additional comments, could you please add to the

<A HREF="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=003v2f">

original thread</A>?


So driving on the <B>right</B> side of the road isn't all that difficult, isn't it? :-) And I enjoyed Queensland last year too. There are nice places on both sides of the Pacific.

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