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SanJuan Colorado snow blitz signals great summer flowers


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The Colorado San Juans are currently geting hammered with new, heavy

moisture laden snow. The weather forecasters tell us we are in an El

Nino weather pattern. Hurrah!!!! Our snowpack has climbed from 77% 0f

normal to 90% of normal in one week and there is more snow predicted.

After four years of very little moisture, this is great news.

This significant snowfall and El Nino pattern, if it stays, could

indicate a great summer here for wildflowers. We did get an early

dump last fall that provided good ground cover and protection for

foliage and this new snow will keep the mountain ground wet, well

into spring. Make your reservations now!<div>004dcv-11658784.JPG.7d3af1662d9b87f8cca923640de1cbce.JPG</div>

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that is exciting news for sure. Glad to hear it! Now I wish I had taken my SW trip this week instead of two weeks ago. Oh well, it was still great, and certainly better that the trip I did down there the same time last year. Thanks again for your advice. Take care, and bring on the snow!





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Yes indeedy, Bill! I've been saying for the last month or so that I just had a feelin' about pending snow all over the state, and that it would lead to an awesome blossom this summer. I noticed Wolf Creek has gotten about a foot of snow per day for the last several, and they're back up around their usual snow base of 10 FEET! Now all we have to do is hope for no (or minimal) flooding in the fire zones scorched last summer.<div>004dtF-11668684.jpg.7377698711bf209690d49854a21d8a96.jpg</div>
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We got dumped on again last night with another 7". If you were here now you might be stuck till spring. And how about some of the material you shot while you were here a few weeks back. I'd love to see it.




Yeah, finally. I've been meaning to get in touch with you. Really liked the shot you posted.




Yes, you could be right about the seed layer being low. Do you think there are seeds on the ground that weren't germinated because of lack of moisture? Another plus for heavy snowpack will be great waterfalls.



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