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OT: Windows or Mac?


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Mac OS X, plus FreeBSD boxes for firewall and file server on my LAN. FreeBSD boxes run Netatalk so I can mount volumes from them on my Mac as if they are another Mac. Way cool, making for easy backup off the Mac.


Thinkpad from work for those dreaded times I have to run a Win App.

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I would think any REAL Leica user would only select a mac. After all it is the traditional graphics computer, I don't even think Photshop came out for PC until version 3 or so.


Plus there is an undefineable superiority to the interface, it is somehow just right, you can feel a surge of creativity as you touch that keyboard. And it just looks right somehow, the way a computer is supposed to, the right curves, no excess buttons or menus. And there is a certain glow to images made on the Mac, they are just better somehow, perhaps not in any quantifiable way, but I can see the difference. ;-)

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Erwin P. uses a Mac as its beautiful lines encourage creative thinking without the distraction of your brain constantly worrying you with the deep knowledge that MS-DOS is functioning directly under the Windows system you are currently using. The confusion to your thought processes that this concept exerts on your mental processes means that you are less able to benefit from the superior resolution, imagery, and absence of veiling flare seen by the products of the Solm's designers.....[fades away]
Robin Smith
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Primarily PC, but as I am fully bilingual I switch back and forth for a change of scenery, not for performance gains (as on stable systems there are none). HA!


Pretty boxes don't matter to me because the computer hides from site so as not to distract. Only the thin lined monitor, graceful keyboard, mouse and speakers reside on the desktop. Scanners and printers are off to the side. :)

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