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Nikon Wednesday 2019: #19

Matt Laur

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To me, barbecue season stretches from January 1st to December 31st, but the oystercatchers return with spring. This one is from Åland, an independent part of Finland:


Nikon D850, AF-S 600/4 VR


yardkat: I am sorry for your loss.

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[ATTACH=full]1294363[/ATTACH] Hello all, I haven't been around much this year. My sweet girl died last week. She was probably close to 14, couldn't stand up on her own, could barely walk, and then finally quit eating to tell us it was her time. She was the bestest.[ATTACH=full]1294362[/ATTACH]

When she was a young gal. I would have shot this with my D70 back in the day.



Very sorry for your loss.

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