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Nikon Wednesday 2019: #16

Matt Laur

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please keep your image under 1000 pixels on the longest side for in-line viewing, and
please keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb
. Note that
this includes photos hosted off-site
(at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc). Are you
new to this thread?
The general guidelines for these Wednesday threads are
. This forum's moderators are allowing up to three Nikon Wednesday images per week, so share some work!


Spring is fully under way this Nikon Wednesday. The local red buds were feeding a lot of bees when we strolled this afternoon, so Mr. Wood Bee gets his 15 minutes this week. Share some photos! (but if they're of Notre Dame, share them in Shun's other thread dedicated to that beautiful but wounded, historical structure). redbug_bee.thumb.jpg.052dd264bb60e52e18e2ab79fd6c38a3.jpg

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