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scanning: Silverfast weirdness

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I am playing with a Reflecta Proscan 10T ie, on american markets a Pacific Image XEs.

Mainly I use Vuescan Pro, but I want to see what can be done with Silverfast, so I test with a demo version of SE Plus.

I exhumed some negatives from 1988, almost forgotten in a box, never been cared for since I took the pictures with some point-and-shoot camera back then, and I scan also recent pictures.


Vuescan and Silverfast settings aren't equivalent, but one can chose same level of scan definition, output image format, and let off color tweaks, as well as filters by model of film (the Negafix stuff of Silverfast, choice of vendor/brand/type in Vuescan). I have scanned with max. resolution supported by the Proscan 10T, output in 48bit RGB tiff.



the following pictures are 70% jpg downsized to 4096x in gimp, of the unprocessed raw tiff.


a relatively recent shot scanned by Vuescan, colors are not too bad, need correction (that was a very sunny, luminous day and deep clear blue sky):






Silverfast flips it!






but the shock I've had is with one, a very scratched shot from 1988 that I wanted to use for testing scratch removals.








Silverfast (scratch removal was on, I didn't notice but re-scanned without I got same blue picture).






what ??? Settings are exactly the same for the Moskva and the Berlin shots, I haven't touched nothing...

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SilverFast is a very comprehensive, complex, powerful scanning interface. I suggest you go over to the Luminous Landscape forums and ask about this option for scanning software and get the attention of Mark Segal who posts there all the time and wrote a very good book on the product (SilverFast).

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management" (pluralsight.com)

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