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Free enterprise at the peace rally


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Anything to make a buck!


I was watching the Fox News channel this morning, and it was the business and stocks crowd, including the sometimes comedian, Ben Stein, who is also an economists and...


They were actually discussing what the stock market would do once the US has "control of Iraqi oil"...Really!


No that made me sick!

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Perhaps things would have been different if Eisenhower had not let Degaulle lead the Allies into Paris when the city was liberated.

The California wine makers must be thrilled at the current "Bruhaha".

The State of Pennsylania, the largest purchaser of " legal beverages" is about to pass a law stopping the sale of French Wine in their liquor stores.

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There goes the stupid crap about the French again. Is it really not possible that a country

disagree with the US without being trashed, insulted, and laughed at in the lowest possible

manner by some so-called defendants of democracy and freedom of speech?


Just a reminder here: the French have been part of the Desert Storm coalition of 1991.

As for Pennsylvania banning the sale of French wine, how about you all sell your German

Leica's tomorrow and vow to never again buy Leica?


And, again, this is the friendly and open-minded Leica forum?

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Sorry, Olivier, but you must admit the French are so damned...French. And it's not like we Americans aren't the butt of many a joke internationally. You know what they say: The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.


Here's a button slogan I'd like to see:


"Peace in our time = Your money in my pocket"

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My thoughts only. Sadman is a Tyrant yes or no.? Has he killed a million fellow Muslims yes or no.? Would he like to develop weapons of mass destruction yes or no? Would he use them yes or no. Would he get some fanatics to use them yes or no? Does he have them yes or no? Does he need more time to develop them yes or no? Should we give him more time yes or no? Would he use them if he had them yes or no? Is he or his son Basher kind people yes or know? Are you to frighten to stop Tyrants in case they do something yes or no. Are you frightened of their friends encase they do something. Were you bullied at school yes or no? Do you like mushrooms yes or no. Would you like to photograph them yes or no. Do bullies frighten you yes or no? Answer for yourself, draw your own conclusions. My thoughts are nothing to do with politics or religion, but about murder, in cold blood.
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Peace rally for up there rear end do nothing goners (bet they feel good now). If they really had any thoughts ,what, about world poverty, disease. How about a heavy tax on the rich nations to support the impoverished and diseased. This is one little world. Education, freedum from hunger, should be the right of every person born on this planet. No wonder there is so many nutters looking for a bomb to blow everyone up. People do not have the education or the ability to feed themselves to know any better. Binhead a rich Arab with a rich ego to fulfil�he makes me puke.
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You can be anti-war AND NOT pro-Saddam. You can be PRO Palestinian AND NOT

anti-semitic. You can be PRO Israel AND NOT anti-Palestinian. You can be anti-war AND NOT



What is it with this narrow and shallow «good vs evil» point of view? Don't you see how

dangerous that is?


A little subtlety here would help. Let's say it would provide for better focusing (now, we're back

to photography.)


And you can be French and grateful to the Americans for WW II AND NOT feel compelled to

remain their slave for eternity. As they probably do for the French and the American Revolution

(remember Lafayette? It came before D day.)

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Lets be really honest! Whar do you really care about some little black kid dying of malnutrition in Africa. I will tell you 'nothing' You are more concerned with dealing with a killer in the right way. Ego! nothing else.You sad pathic fools! wake up before it is to late. Use what God has given you 'commen sense'
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