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Focomat 1c and APO-Rodagon-N


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I would like to put an Rodenstock APO-Rodagon-N on my Focomat 1c. I have been told that it will work, but I cannot determine if I will need an extension tube or not.


Is anyone using this set-up that might know?


Any other recommendations as to a "better" lens for the 1c? I have looked at the Focotar-2, but I they are getting twice what the Rodenstock costs.



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The problem isn't so much one of having the lens the proper distance from the film (which may require an extension tube. I don't know). The problem is that unless the APO-Rodagon-N has the EXACT focal length of the cam set-up the enlarger won't track focus correctly as you raise and lower the enlarging head.
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I put a 50mm Schneider Componon on my 1C, and had to use an adapter from 26mm (?) to LTM adapter. I purchased the plastic version from B&H and would pay the $ for the metal one if I had it to do again. Otherwise it works fine. As to the exact focal length that Al Kaplan referenced, I believe you could move the head up or down on the column to adjust for this difference. You should not need an extension tube with the Rodenstock.


Did you locate a negative carrier, or build one?



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