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Nikon D1x

BeBu Lamar

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Got a Nikon D1x recently. It's OK but there is a problem. It underexposes by 1 stop. The meter is good. I compared it to other cameras and hand held meter. What I found is that the ISO rating is about 1 stop overrated. Anyone experienced this type of problem? Lens aperture is OK as I tried different lenses. There is the possibility that the shutter speeds are 1 stop too fast but that unlikely for most speeds.
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I still have my D1-X and just bought a couple new batteries for it. I still use it from time to time but have to remind myself that it doesn't have near the dynamic range as film I shoot or even the D200. I think you just need to be more careful operationally as errors will show more quickly than with newer cameras. I think the shutter is electronically timed and would be a bit surprised if shutter speeds are off. The D1-X is a good camera capable of very nice results but is a bit bad tempered, less tolerant of contrasty light and others of the more challenging lighting situations.


Rick H.

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When I said it's underexposed I tested on a subject with 0 dynamic range. OK Joe I know that. I can simply toss the camera but my question not regarding on how to use it but any people with experience with this camera experienced the same? It seems that it was intentional on Nikon part.
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I've got a D1X which seems to get the exposure about right (although the focus is off, but that's another story). I've also got a D100 (don't ask) which does underexpose by around 1 stop, so I just set the compensation to +1. If you google these cameras you will find plenty of references to them underexposing. Some people think it was Nikon being ultra conservative about avoiding blown highlights.


It's a case of finding out what setting works for you. I usually point them at an evenly lit grey surface and adjust the compensation until the spike of the histogram sits nicely in the middle.

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A belated thought: All Nikon DSLRs and SLRs are sensitive to light entering the eyepiece. So how were you checking the exposure Bebu?


If you had the camera tripod-mounted, with your eye away from the finder, and with no eyepiece blind, then you could certainly expect incorrect exposure.

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A belated thought: All Nikon DSLRs and SLRs are sensitive to light entering the eyepiece. So how were you checking the exposure Bebu?


If you had the camera tripod-mounted, with your eye away from the finder, and with no eyepiece blind, then you could certainly expect incorrect exposure.

There is no light entering the viewfinder it has a finder blind but.... the meter indicate the exposure correctly. The camera is on manual. It's underexposed and not over exposed. There are 2 posibility shutter speed (several speeds) too fast or ISO rating too high. I doubt that the shutter speeds are all off that much.

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I still use my D1X from time to time. I like the feel of it because it reminds me of my F5. In fact, they so closely resemble one another that I've mistakenly grabbed the wrong one at times and ended up away from home with a digital camera in my hand and a pocket full of film. Because of its weight, I find it easier for me to balance the longer zooms that I own. Never really had exposure problems with it. It's usually spot on. Edited by leon_knight
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