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Konica C35

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I just bought a Konica C35 from a guy for $20. He wasn't sure about the condition but the camera seemed like in good condition and I have always been using medium format so it was a good chance for me to play around with the camera since I'm travelling this week. The flash and light meter both seem to be working. I have a really stupid question though. On videos on youtube, it seems that the shutter looks round when taking a photo. Mine looks like a weird shape when I take a photo! Please see the picture/video below.


Is there something wrong with the shutter?



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There is one that lives here too. The shutter, when open, had a strange shape as well. I was assured that it was normal, and due to the aperture blades doubleing as shutter blades, or vise versa. I did have a photo of it but cannot find it atm.

I don't recall ever running film through it. Treat it as normal behaviour and go shoot with it.

Edited by greg_nixon|2
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Phewww, I thought something might be wrong with the camera. Seems like it's not a problem after all. Never seen a shutter close/open like this. Hopefully everything with the camera works and I won't be disappointed when I get back from my trip and develop the films.
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That was a common design for that type of camera. I get that shape if there's enough light for my C35 to stop down. The round aperture would have been the result of light levels being low enough for the lens to be at maximum aperture. The same design used in Minolta HiMatic G and likely in the Yashica ME. Probably many others.
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