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Fuji MF camera serial numbers


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Several years ago I sold my expensive Canon dslr gear and willingly stepped through a time portal. I bought a Mamiya 645 1000s and a few lenses and fell in love with medium format. It didn't make me a better wannabe photographer but it has been substantially more personally rewarding.


This pasts year I've been looking at the MF rangefinders. Ideally, I'd love to buy a Mamiya 7ii system. But to what's left of my mind, those cameras are inexplicably expensive. So, I've concentrated on the Pentax 67 and the Fuji MF fixed-lens rangefinders. The Pentax 67 serial numbers were difficult to find but Sasha helped me out ( Portrait portfolio by photographer Sasha Krasnov ). But, I simply can NOT find the Fuji MF serial numbers that correlate to years of manufacture. Searches on this forum didn't produce anything. Can anyone help?

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