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Question on PC Monitors


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Hi! I�m concidering to buy a new PC and Monitor. My dilemma on

monitors are 15� LCD vs. 19� Triniton type or to push for 17� LCD? I

have read somewhere that LCD monitors still don�t offer the same

colour spectr and other features as Flat screens for graphical works

(as picture editing and video montages). Any thoughts, facts and

opinions would be most welcome.


P.S. I�m an amateur and it�s just my hobby.

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The TFT screens I've seen so far have AWFUL colour. There's very little discrimination between shades of red and yellow, although dark greens can be slighty better than CRT monitors.<br>I still wouldn't go for an LCD screen until the technology is more mature. Though I suspect it'll just be a case of us getting used to the brash colour of LCD screens, rather than LCD screens actually getting better.
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If you do photo and you want LCD, get Apple (they do work on Windows

machines as well). This company abandonned selling CRTs over two years

ago, and since they had a huge and profitable market share of photographs

and publishers, it made sure they didn't lose it with its new LCDs... the result is

stunning: while it's generally true that CRT beats LCD, but it doesn't beat

Apple LCDs in terms of fidelity for a variety of reasons that haven't yet been

reproduced in the industry. I sold hundreds of those to pro photographs, pro

Photoshop users, etc.. , I never saw one of them regretting it's not a CRT.




Otherwise, stay with CRT... generally speaking you just can't go wrong with

flat Trinitron.

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