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Minolta XD - Any ideas?


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Having photographed since the late seventies it has only been a few years that I use a Minolta XD-s. Beautiful camera!<br>

With the help of all the information on the net I think I have figured out all the inns and outs of this camera, the different models (A through E) in particular. The changes and improvements seem quite logic. However there always remain some questions that are not answered and they mostly have to do with the yes/no existence of certain models, for different markets, in black or chrome. And then yes/no with the new logo</p>

<p>Here my findings, correct or not, with questions:<br>

- The <strong>Japanese XD</strong> I have seen in black, old and new logo. And in chrome only old logo. Q: does the new logo chrome XD exist?<br /><br />- The <strong>US XD11</strong> I have only seen with old logo, black or chrome. Q: Does the new logo XD11 exist?<br /><br />- The <strong>Europese XD7</strong> I have seen in black and chrome, old and new logo.<br /><br />- The <strong>XD-s</strong> I have seen only in black, old and new logo. I only see the old logo XD-s in Japan, and the new logo XD-s seems to show up only in the west, Europe in particular. I don't know what to think about that.<br>


Any corrections or ideas out there? </p>

<p>Thanks, Michael</p>

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<p>Looks like it is possible there was an XD-11 with the new logo (since the XD-7 and XD-S were sold with it), but it may be pretty rare, as it was "very late in production" according to Rokkorfiles.</p>

<p>As "XD-11" was the US designation, it's likely there were not many new logo cameras sold. The XG and X-series garnered a lot more sales in the US. The XD-11 body was close to double the price of even the high end XG/X cameras.</p>

<p>Back in 1982 or so, I bought a new XG-M, and, as I recall, that kit was about half (if not less) the price of a similar kit with the XD-11.</p>

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<p>Thanks Andy, Larry</p>

<p>Based on what you say and some other sources, I think it is safe to say the XD11 with a new logo is a rare bird. Black or chrome.<br>

From Japan there is no confirmation a chrome XD with a new logo ever came on the market.</p>

<p>What complicates is that XD-s cameras have surfaced, with new logo plates that simply covered the old logo. I know of two for sure. I also know of a XD-s camera with a new logo plate that has no old logo underneath.<br>

It is a one minute operation to fix a new logo plate. I wouldn't be surprised if there are old logo XD11 and XD7 bodies out there covered with the new logo plates.</p>

<p>I guess only people who worked for Minolta can tell us what was the policy. If there was one.</p>

<p> </p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Hi there,<br>

Yes all versions of XD-11,XD and XD-7 were made.</p>

<p>The XDS was only for the Japanese market and was only ever in black- I have a number of Japanses brochures which show and list the XD in both black and chrome but the XDS only in black.</p>

<p>The new Logo came in right at the end of production so relatively few of those were sold in any market. When the new logo first went into production nameplates with the new logo were simply attached over the toplates with old logos engraved on them in order to use up the stock. As stocks of toplates were used up the newer nameplates didn't have the old logo engraved in them. So a camera with a new logo and nothing underneath is a later production.</p>

<p>Of course once they had been sold it was possible for any service centre to attach a new logo plate over an older camera just as Leicas were often sent back to the factory for upgrades and changes to controls. There would be a perfectly legitimate reason to do that if the toplate got damaged, or of course if it was badly damaged the whole toplate might be changed.</p>

<p>Service centre toplates would usually have their own serial number out of sequence with the mmain production run</p>

<p>The only certain guide to age would be if someone ever got hold of the original serial number sheets from Minolta showing in what form the camera was built. Also there are actually more versions than you think as internal parts changed during production, but only so that a service engineer could tell you what had changed.</p>

<p>So I think the advice would be that they all look interesting and a collection of the different ones might be worth having but don't pay over the odds for one just because it has what appears to be an unusual combination of model and logo and someone tells you its worth more because of that. Only pay more for great condition regardless of logo and you are probably going to be okay if you pay more for a black rather than a chrome one.</p>

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<p>Thanks Simon, what you say makes perfect sense!</p>

<p>Yes, these companies should disclose serial numbers and year-of-production information, before this information is lost permanently. There's no reason to sit on this information, or keep it secret.<br>

I agree with you that not much can be deducted from the different versions, if only because the XD bodies have needed specific attention from repair places: shrinking leather, the mode selector lever sooner or later has bad contact with first versions, the pneumatic mirror damper needs cleaning with all versions . . .</p>

<p>The versions that I do not find, or think are most rare:<br>

- a chrome XD later logo version and even a chrome XD early logo version with the compensation lever "inboard".<br>

- XD11 late logo versions either black or chrome</p>

<p>One more small detail: in Japan you see plenty XD-s early logo versions for sale. But no later logo XD-s.<br>

And the same for the XD. Of the black XD version I have at least seen a picture of one, sold in Canada. Whenever a late logo XD-s, XD and XD-7 shows up, it is mostly in Europe.</p>


<p> </p>

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