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Minolta AF 85mm f/1.4G (D) vs. older version


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<p>I'm awaiting an A99 and haven't been able to find much comparing the D lens with older, plain-old-AF version. There is a well-known blogger who says optics are same, but that D lens claims better distance encoding. My question is, does the newer lens warrant a roughly $300 price difference? I should note that super-fast focus isn't a priority for me (don't do sporting events), but low-light performance is (I like combining bars and photography).</p>
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<p>Does it warrant a $300 price difference, I would probably say 'no'<br>

I like my Bokeh, and I would suggest from my experience that the later version is more pleasing to my eyes.<br>

All that said, if you can even pick up the 85mm 1.4 'non G' lens, then you won't be disappointed, because honestly, sure a G lens would be nice, but the non G version is also a remarkable lens.<br>

I assume you are talking about Ken Rockwell Blog? Jack of all camera's master of nothing camera Blogger lol.<br>

He is a Nikon man, he should stay away from Minolta/Sony.</p>

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I have one of the older Minolta 85mm. It is just a glorious lens. Next to my Zeiss 135mm, it has the most pronounced 3d effect of all my lenses.


If I didn't have this lens, then I would go for one of the later models but since there is very little (if any) difference in optical quality IMO, I see no need!.


As far as I know, there is very little difference in the optical configuration (perhaps with the singular exception of the Zeiss). They may have tweaked the coatings somewhat with the later Minolta/Sony version.


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<p>Tim, yes, the Zeiss tests a fair amount better. I suspect I am like a lot of guys whose first camera was a Minolta SRT and are looking for a certain 'comfort level' with older glass. I hope to post some pix soon, taken with an NEX C3 with 58mm Rokkor ƒ1.4....</p>
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The Zeiss may test a lot better but in real world stuff, while there is a difference, I'm not sure it is that pronounced over the Minolta 85mm.<br>

Now the 135mm is on another planet. I am a big Zeiss fan coming over from Hassies and I will probably get the 50mm sometime in the near future but the 85mm has not driven me that way<br>


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