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"Ultrawide" lens comparison test?


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Does anyone know of any reputable tests of "ultrawide" lenses? I put

"ultrawide" in quotes since for most DSLR users, eg. a 17mm would equal

a 28mm with a 1.6x factor. For this reason, surprised I can't find

such a review for what I would think many DSLR users would consider a

"must-have" prime lens.


I've been hunting and searching. I'm not going to be using (at the

moment anyway) on a DSLR, but on a film EOS 1V. I have the 24-70L, so

partly for that reason, I'm interested in lenses lower than 20mm (14,

15, 17mm). The 16-35 is too much money for too much overlap with what

I already have. The Canon 20-35 zoom is decently priced but my thought

was its not really worth it for only another 4mm on the wide end and

likely better quality on the 24-70 at 24-35.


Specifically, I guess if anyone has used/tested the Tokina 17mm ATX PRO

(I've found some reviews of the old version with the 72mm thread vs.

new 77mm)? Also of interest perhaps are the Sigma 14mm, Tamron 14mm,

etc... For the amount of use (not that much) I don't see how to justify

the Canon 14mm at a cost 4x that of the Tokina ($1700 vs $400). Also

not sure I'd want as wide as 14mm.


Any older lenses that would work on 1V body without Autofocus worth

considering? Thanks for any help.

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Rorslett at www.naturfotograf.com has a very extensive review of the 14mm 2.8 rectilinear Nikon, as well as of the Bessa 12 or 15 mm lenses.


With DSLRs, the problems with edge sharpness, color fringing that these lenses have in 35 mm format disappear since one takes only the sweet center by digital capture, so I bet that the tamron, Sigma etc 17 or 14mm rectilinears will all do splendidly.

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I would be using on a Film camera, and a Canon (so Nikon is out, as I assume the Bessas). I realize that any of these lenses would probably be OK on DSLR due to cropping factor; I only brought up DSLRs to effect that I'm surprised that there aren't any real tests (or none I can find) with lenses whose FLs (14-17mm) would equate to a 24-28mm on DSLRs. AS I'm shooting film, I am interested in the corners and sides of the images.


Down the road I will probably get a DSLR -- hoping and waiting for a Canon body someday that offers full frame 35mm sized sensor at a realistic price (at which time, again I'd be interested in edge sharpness, etc...).

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I can't comment on the Tokina 17mm but I do rate the Sigma 20mm f1.8 highly. It is fairly well made and considering the focal length performance is actually very good. It is a bit soft at f1.8 but other than that I think it is excellent. Sigma are frowned upon by some for compatibility but this lens definitely works on the EOS 1V. FWIW the only Tokina lens I've used is the 28-70 ATX Pro SV f2.8 and if this is anything to go by the ATX Pro range is excellent (the build quality of this lens easily equals the Canon's) and performance is excellent.
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