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How come Canon and especially Nikon has busy weekly photo threads but Sony doesn't?


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<p>A lot of Sony users post - or more correctly link - their pics in dyxum.com instead I suppose.</p>

<p>We do have sort-of monthly photo thread here in PN though and guess what it's a new month!</p>

<p>Just came back from an unscheduled trip to attend a family member's funeral in the Philippines. Filled a few memory cards while there and am processing away at the moment, almost ready to start a "best of October" thread in a day or two, that is if you don't beat me to it Dale! :)</p>

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<p>My guess is that Richard H's explanation is the best: Photo.net, having a higher percentage of pros than some other forums, has a lower percentage of Sony users, since (ready for a surprise?) some enormous percentage (90+%?) of pros from the low-market to the high-market use Canon or Nikon. The Pentax forums here aren't very active either. But go over to dpreview.com's forums, or dyxum.com, and things are pretty active for Sony users. And pentaxforums.com, for Pentax users, is always hopping.</p>

<p>I do wish that this forum were just a tad more active, as I like photo.net quite a bit, I'm active in the wedding forums, and I particularly like to talk to other pros. Maybe we should all agree to try harder. ;-)</p>


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<p>Dale L..<br>

To make you feel better, think about it differently, see more positive aspects than negative.<br>

E.g. possibly Sony cameras are more user friendly and users do not need that much of help ?<br>

Sony users could possibly be more persistent, and figure their problems alone, without bothering athers?<br>

Possibly there is a better support from Sony?<br>

Sony very likely may have much better and user friendly user manuals?<br>

Enjoy Sony.</p>

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