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Hood for 24-70


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<p>There are a lot of cheap no-name copies of common lens hoods on ebay.com, but I have never tried them. I hear they don't fit as well as the name brand ones, but many people say they do work well enough. Most common problem is that they seem to either have a tight or loose fit. If this doesn't bother you, you might try one out for yourself.</p>
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<p>I would just save for the real hood. A hood is very important for protecting the lens, so it's quite important to get the right fit. If you get a cheaper 'thread fitted hood' you can end up doing damage for the filter thread if it's impacted. Don't lose it next time!</p>
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<p>Hi think the hood actually fits onto the rim of the lens past the filter ring so it shouldn't damage the filter thread.</p>

<p>Hey, if you are really cheap, you could always cut a piece of cardboard out into the correct petal shape and duct tape it on. It would work every bit as well for controlling flare as the original. *grin*</p>

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