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Buy a 7D or Wait for Sony Alpha?


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I am finally ready to go from film to digital. Of course, I could go

with Canon or Nikon (and still might) but of course I can't really

afford the body AND replace the lenses as well.


So, I am willing to stick with the Maxxum, which brings in a different

issue. I can get the 7D body from B&H for $780.


I am asking you folks that have made the transition for your opinion.

Would YOU, considering the current state of KM and Sony, go ahead and

buy the 7D? Or would you wait until the Alpha is available.


Here's my quandry; I would normally wait for the Alpha and get a new

camera with the new technology from a surviving company. However, it's

May 4th and with so little news about the Alpha available, I am

doubting that we'll see a June launch (at least, June of 2006). Also,

I have no idea what the Alpha will be priced at. Finally, having spent

many, many years in IT, I fear any "first release" or items with the

word Alpha in them :-) (Kidding...mostly)


In your opinion, buy the 7D at a decent price now or wait for the

release of the Alpha?


Thanks everyone....



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I bought a 5D which is relatively bug free and was cheap and has tons of features and I am not sorry I did. (I am coming from film Dynax 7).

I just wanted to wait for KM to mature in Digital SLR technology and if I were you I would be reluctant to buy the first Sony SLR. I'd not like my camera to visit Sony service because external flash doesn't expose properly or body can not focus with fast primes as 7D did once.

But it's just me..

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Thanks for the thoughts, Ersagun.


I had thought the same thing, too, but I cannot find a 5D anywhere. B&H doesn't even list them, nor does Adorama, Samy's, etc. The 5D was my first thought since it is so inexpensive and a wonderful stop-gap measure until I moved to a different system (the non ISO-standard hotshoe is reason enough for me to swtich).


But, at this point, it looks like 7D or Alpha. :-(



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IMHO, you should wait. Based on the press releases from Sony an KM, the Sony DSLRs will be made by KM, who will make them as an OEM supplier to Sony. In the meantime, I'm sure there will still be some new 7Ds floating around. And once the Sony DSLR is released, the price of those units are likely to drop.
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Buy now or wait? I guess it depends on your priority. For me, I would want to jump in and begin using the camera and learning its features, as well as learning digital imagery in general. If your priority is more about getting the latest generation/technology, then waiting might be good; but as you noted, who knows when it will actually be available.

FWIW, I am the very satisfied owner of a Maxxum 7D which I purchased about a month before the big KM announcement. As a long time Minolta user (own multiple lenses) and given what I know now about KM, I'm still glad I bought the 7D when I did. I have really enjoyed using it to date.

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In passing, I noticed a Minolta 5D display model in Circuit City in Orland Park (Chicago 'burb) about 10 days ago. I suspect it is the same one they had on the counter last September, when I last passed through.
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Look for the Adorama deal (if it is still available) with the 28-75 f2.8 as a kit for around $1k. This is a steal as the lens is a reputed gem and worth over $350 by itself. With this lens and the 7D you have a set-up that will provide images that will rival any system that is out there right now. The Alpha is coming, but how much is it worth to you to wait? Nobody knows the pricing structure yet(regardless of all the "insiders"), and nobody knows what the new camera will be capable of doing. Buying a proven technology that will either be a capable back-up, or a rather cheap rental (if you decide to upgrade upon the new Alpha's release you should recoup most of your costs), or remain as your main camera for awhile seems like a reasonable move.
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Robxxto- Perhaps you should re-read the post I left. The price drop I refered to was for the KM 7D, not a Sony DSLR. And I'll ask you, what I asked another poster, where have I ever said I was an 'insider'??? Keep your snide comments to yourself, as it wasn't warranted.
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I am sorry that you were offended by my "snide" remark Clinton. I actually had just kind of glanced through the post up to the point where I commented and not even read your remark. I had, however, been on the DPR Sony SLR board immediately prior and reading some of the ridiculous stuff being tossed about on that forum had come to this topic with a piece of advice for someone asking for advice. My feelings on this subject are exactly as I submitted in my previous post. I just feel that too many people are out there "stirring the pot" with statements that they claim to be the God's honest truth about a product. We will only know the truth when Sony wants us to know. In the mean time, if you want to take pictures, then buy a camera amd take pictures!


As for this camera and pricing, I bought my 7D at a price point that fell about $200 two weeks after my purchase. Even so, I never regretted my purchase as my camera has served me well. That said, I feel that the OP will likely not suffer nearly that loss if they keep their camera in good condition and out of harms way in the interim between now and the Alpha's debut. As a satisfied customer I am just expressing to the OP that he would likely not be disappointed in purchasing this kit if he is after good, solid kit with quality results. What else is the goal of photography? I personally would not point him to the 5D as I have never used it, but I have used a 7D extensively and feel justified in recommending this to another photographer as a quality piece that will more than likely serve any needs he may have as a photographer. It is all about what you use your camera for, and if you are satisfied with your results. I am and I passed that along to someone that asked about it. Now, I would never go ranting on a Canon thread or a Nikon thread or any other camera makers thread about what a wonderful piece of machinery I own because they are not asking of my opinion.

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The 7D is a great camera, top quality.


Just because KM packed up their bag and left, the camera was still their flagship. It was their dream to put them on the playing field once again, and I prefer it over the Canon 20D and Nikon D70s.


No matter what, the camera will be under warranty and service by Sony. So what are you waiting for, buy the damn thing and enjoy.


Stop being put off by people who want to shout doom and gloom.


I bought the 7D because I havea nice collection of lenses. And as long as Sony brings out something that will allow me to continue to use those lovely lenses. I will buy Sony DSLR.


Simga, Tamron, Tokina are still making Minolta mount lenses.


So the future is there, otherwise they would have stop making Minolta mount lenses.


Get it and start enjoying your Minolta.

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Thanks to EVERYONE for their input. The insight has been really beneficial and appreciated.


I'll be picking up the 7D for all the reasons stated, although Jimmy Smith put forward the best argument, "...what are you waiting for, buy the damn thing and enjoy." Yup - it's easy to forget that that's what it is all about.


Thanks again.

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Rob- You said you couldn't find a 5D. Perhaps you should check Ritz Camera. I know the Ultra Ritz store in my area has one for sale. Also, I believe the new Summer catalog for Ritz shows it in there. Ritz put together the catalog after KM's announcement that they were getting out of the photo business, so I'm led to believe that they may have bought out what ever supplies KM had.
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The 7D seems to still be in circulation, but the 5D is apparently quite hard to come by. My 5D failed when under warranty, and Sony ended up cutting me a check as a buyback because the parts / replacement cameras are apparently impossible for them to come by. Admittedly I'm a little bitter and put off by the whole thing, but I'd be nervous that the same might happen to the 7D. I'm stuck selling off now useless accessories on eBay.



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I'd go with your gut instinct, to be honest, and get a Canon.


I own a 7D because I had lots of Minolta gear already but;


1) Since buying the 7D, I've ended up upgrading almost everything - including finding better results with the better-resolution D type lenses etc. This, of course, means that I have probably saved no money...


2) Trying to buy parts is, for the moment, impossible. If you get a 7D and then want, say, the (rather excellent) 5600HS (D) Flash, then you might struggle to get it, it you get one at all. Similarly, the Minolta MFC-1000 macro flash controller seems to have vanished...


3) Will the first Sony effort really be worth it? I know it's going to be built by largely the same people as built the Minolta but, well, it's Sony. That may mean Memory Sticks and other proprietary technologies.


4) The Canon cameras of today are, generally speaking, producing sharper images (albeit with a tad more noise, IMO).


Conversely, the K-M Maxxum/Dynax 7D is the best-handling dSLR on the market - which may make the decision for you...I've had countless giggles at other people fumbling inside soft menus of other SLR's just to adjust exposure compensation or change AF mode as most "live" adjustments on the 7D are hardware switches.


I've just made your waters muddier, haven't I? Sorry.


If nothing else, though, please ensure you can get (or have got) the accessories you need. Even genuine Minolta NP400 batteries are getting rare. The vertical grip (VC-7D) is hard to find, too - so if you need a grip, then make sure you can obtain one...

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