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Konica Minolta priorities


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In all the attention surrounding the demise of KM cameras etc as an

independent brand I failed to notice that KM are again sponsoring a

motor cycle team for 2006 !


Seems to say something about their priorities and the impact of their

advertising. Presumably a pet project of someone high-up.

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No, just their advertising. They used to be a camera and photographic company, and an

office machine company. Now they are just an office machine company. They still need to

market their office machines, against Canon, and Ricoh and others. (Ricoh has dramatically

curtailed its photographic business, too). Life goes on.

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bill- You must be getting senile, as I've answered your questions in the past. Do yourself a favor and look up the responses to your question yourself. I have no time for your silly games.


Oh, and you said you use your Minolta equipment. But, what do you use them for? You didn't actually state that you took pictures with them. So, when you say you use your Minolta stuff, you could be using them as a paper weight or as a door stop. Please clarify exactly how you "USE" your Minolta equipment.

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I use my Minolta equipment for the purpose for which it was intended.


Questions still requiring a reply :-


Will you stop posting on this forum ?


Do you still use your Minolta equipment ( for the purpose for which it was intended ) ?


Do you use Sony equipment ?


Over to you in anticipation of more insults, if you have the time.

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My Minolta gear, like that belonging to all others bar possibly one, was intended for the purpose of taking photographs ( pictures ) and I use it for the purpose intended. In case that is not clear enough I will try again - I use my Minolta gear to take photographs ( pictures ) .


Questions requiring reply ( answer ) :-


Will you stop posting on this forum ?


Do you still use your Minolta equipment ( for taking photographs or pictures if that makes it clearer ) ?


Do you use Sony equipment ?


Looking forward to your reply, with great anticipation !

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bill- When was the last time you used your Minolta equipment?


As to the answers to your questions... I answered all of them, save one in an earlier forum post, in which you asked the same questions. The one answer that I haven't answered in the earlier post, was due to you not asking it at that time. So, I will answer that question. My answer is 'NO'.

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bill- Yes, you've cleared up that you are indeed senile. I find it very interesting that you are so upset that KM is getting out of the camera business when you haven't a piece of NEW equipment in recent history. Is it any wonder why KM is getting out of the camera business, with individuals like you.
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Clinton is providing another great example of the pot calling the kettle black,


Let's all throw darts at Bill because we ASSUME he has not bought any new KM equipment. Then, let's bow down to Clinton and his Sony P&S.


How does one spell "assume", anyway?


"Is it any wonder why KM is getting out of the camera business, with individuals like you."


Once again, Clinton, thank you for your fascinating insight.



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