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Maxxum 5 has died for the second time... Now what?


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Hey all,


I bought a Minolta Maxxum 5 in the spring of 2004. I used it a good

deal, but not excessivly so. August rolled around and it was our

family vacation. I shot off about 5 rolls of 36-exp Reala 100 at the

beach during that week.


I didn't really use the camera much during September, but when October

rolled around my sister had a good friend who was having a wedding.

She already had a pro photographer, but wanted me to take some candid

B&W shots, especially at the rececption.


I loaded the camera with some Ilford B&@ film for standard Color

development (I forget the model #). Anyway, it was 400 ISO, but the

Camera read 100 ISO. I set it to ISO 400 Manualy, figuring the film

didn't have DX Encoding.


I shot 4 rolls at the reception, and when I went to take the last roll

out of the camera, the camera died. Wouldn't wind, wouldn't unwind,

wouldn't do anything.


Once I managed to get the film devloped I found that it was all

under-exposed by at least 1-1/2 stops.



I sent it to Minolta as it was still under Warranty. They sent it

back a few weeks later with a listing of all the repairs they made. I

was quite surpized.


I don't have that list now, but as I recall it was a new PCB, a new

Winder Motor, and a new Sensor.


Well, 2005 was another year. The camera ran great, I used it all the

time (but again, not excessively so). I probably shot off about 20

Rolls of 24 and 36 exposure film over the next 10 months.


August rolled around, and this time I again took it to the beach. I

shot off about 4 or 5 rolls of 36-exp Reala, and was quite happy with

the results.



Last month (October again) I went to load up the camera for some

family event. I loaded the only roll of film I had at the time, a

roll of 24-exp Fuji Superia Extra 400.


I put the roll in there and it read "ISO 100". Right then I knew it

was bad. I checked out the sensor. I pointed it at the grass in full

sunlight in mid-afternoon. It read 1/10 - 1/20th of a second at ISO

100 @ F/16. That of course meant it had to be at least 2 stops off,

just like last time.






So, now I'm at a cross-roads.


Do I replace it with a Minolta Maxxum 70?


Do I splurge and go for a Maxxum 5D?


Do I abandon Minolta all together and buy a Nikon F80?



The real problem is equipment I've already invested in this camera. I



Nikon Coolscan V 35mm Film Scanner ($600)

Sunpak Minolta Deticated Flash ($70)

Minolta 28-100mm Kit Lens ($100 if you buy it seperate)

Used Minolta 50mm F/1.7 in great condition ($35)



I'm feeling rather lost. The other big thing is that I've sort of

put photography aside for the moment. I haven't really been into it

since August. But this happens with me all the time.


I would just go for the Maxxum 70, but I'm not sure if this problem

will ever re-occur.


What I really need it for is family gatherings, and other occasions

such as Tourism.



Dan O.

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I am in a somewhat similar situation. During my last trip, my Maxxum 4 died (although it was my fault really, so my faith in Minolta wasn't affected). I've no money at the moment, and I'm happy enough to put my photography on temporary hold, but when I can afford it, I'm going to buy a Konica Minolta DSLR. Regardless of how much you or I have invested in our current setups, I think going digital will save money in the long run. And I'm sure you could get a very satisfactory price for your film scanner on the used market.
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G'day Dan!


SPLURGE! C'mon, you know you should... :)


I think maybe you just got unlucky with your Maxxum 5, sorry to say.

Doubtful if you'd have the same kind of problems again, I reckon.

I still have a Maxxum 400si that I bought over 10 years ago, still works fine too.


IMHO, treat yourself to a Maxxum 5D!


Have you been to <a href="www.dyxum.com">Dyxum.com<a/>?

Plenty of good people over there if you want to know anything about the M5D. Sorry, but I can't really tell you anything,except anti-shake is awesome, as I have the 7D.

Hope you enjoy your new toy whatever you choose.


Cheers, Jake

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I never had anything like that with my dynax 5, using it since about 3 years. It just might be a faulty camera, maybe buy another one and it's solved. Even better, you can buy a dynax 7 second-hand, if you dare to buy second-hand, for not much more.
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Might I suggest a step backwards?<br><br>


My X-700 makes great exposures and there's a plentiful supply of very nice lenses. I paid

$199 at a local dealer for the body <i>with</i> the highly regarded 28-85mm MD zoom,

and I expect both will last for a very long time. A couple of my other lenses are almost as

old as I am (i.e. late 30s), but they appear to be aging better.<br><br>


No autofocus, but I get more missed focus shots with my fancy-pants Leica CM than I do

with my Minolta.<br><br>


Something to think about.

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Hi Dan, I had a 600si that I loved...Well built, controls layed out great, big, easy to handle but a tad on the heavy side. I always wanted to replace it with a 5, but after watching the "auction" they seemed to be priced in that 135-145 dollar range for "factory reconditioned" models. Instead I did my research and bought a brand new 70 from Abes of Maine for $129.00. I too had newer lenses and really didn't want to change systems. I even recently went backward and bought a bargain KEH 7000 body for a backup/collector/shooter body. I would stick with the system you have. If it works for you and it's paid for I don't think you can go wrong with the 70. Reliabity to me is always going to be an issue with any electronic product. I am a die hard film guy. But only you can tell if you have the need or want to jump to digital...Have Fun! Mark
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I vote for the Maxxum 70. Mine is just shy 1 year old and no problems. It has been to the beach, out west, to the mountains and held up well. You can't beat it around like you could a Maxxum 7 or 9, but for your use it should be just fine. It is the cheapest solution if buying new. BTW the IR-3 remote is great. I use mine all the for family shots. With the 50mm standard lens & the 70 you have about the lightest SLR set-up there is. Very easy to carry. -Brad

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I've had a 70 for almost two years, haven't experienced any problems with it at all. It has since been relegated to being a backup for a 7, but it still works fine.


As to your problem, perhaps there's a commonality with the beach environment. The five doesn't have much for sealings on it, but it'd be fair to expect a bit more weather resistance out of it. Perhaps there is something else wrong that is causing internal problems after being exposed to the elements.

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