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70-210 Series 1 Matched Teleconvertor?


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Hey folks.


One of my all time favourite lenses is a 70-210 Vivitar S1, one of the

early ones - a glorious piece of kit. However, I'm after a 2x TC for

it, for the occassional bit of nature photography I do (210 on it's

own is a little short...). What I would like to know is, is there a

matched TC for this lens? Or will a generic 2x TC do just as good a

job? Can people recommend a TC that isn't going to lose out *too* much

on optical quality and contrast.




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Yes, Vivitar did make a matched teleconverter for the 70-210. They are marked 70-210 on the rim. I believe they were made by Kiron and are the same item as a Kiron MC 7 Teleconverter. They are a very good sharp 7 or 8 element teleconverter. Hopes this answers your question.
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