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Manual Minolta Marvel - XD7 3D


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Very interesting camera. To those of you with less then optimal German, apparently the 3D thingy works only with slides (in German Dias), but since the camera uses standard 35mm film, you can use print film as well for non-3D images. The camera will expose frame 1 and 3 of a roll, and then frame 2 and 4 and so on, so that no film is wasted. Apparently exposure of the two slides is not identical in S mode, so you shouldn't use that for 3D images, but the seller claims it works perfectly in A and M mode. Also, the two shutters release audibly at the same time, but the synchronization is not good enough to be able to use just one flash. For 3D flash photography use of 2 identical flash units is recommended. The seller also recommends getting the camera CLAed before use, and recommends a special workshop in Germany (phone number supplied if you want to get an early quote.) If you need anything else translated, feel free to send me an email.






(PS: I don't know the camera or the seller.)

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Greg - thanks for the helpful link.


Frank - thank you for the help with the translation - an interesting concept if one had the time ! Thank you also for the offer of translation help - I do check fleabay Germany so maybe I will need your help one day but I promise only "in extremis".

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