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XE-5's self-timer is giving trouble


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My Minolta XE-5's self-timer has gone up the creek. Can anyone

suggest some gentle bit of repair I might do to fix it?

Camera was working fine. I was just finishing a roll of Ilford Delta

100. Wound the shutter, then wound the (mechanical) self-timer - and

pressed the s-t button. Buzzed happily away for a few moments then



So the self-timer hasn't run down and the shutter won't release.


It's possible to wind the s-t arm back to full start position and

set it going again. But it stops again, partway through its cycle.


So - help! Please...

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Since you've already tried arming and disarming it again, and since that didn't work, you can try to gently move the lever in the direction of its travel once it begins to stall. Occasionally this will "help" the timer get through its cycle. You can also smack the camera against the heel of your palm as the timer begins to stall. Sometimes this will get it going again. One other thing you can try: Sometimes warmth helps. If you lived in Dallas, this would not be a problem. However, set the camera in a car parked in the sun for an hour or so. Let the camera get thoroughly warm. Now try the self-timer. It may work. If neither of these two things work, you'll have to try to get a few drops of naphtha into the workings of the self-timer. I'll bet a stray piece of dirt or something has lodged in the escape mechanism and is causing your trouble. This generally involves removing the film and going in through the back, although in some models you must remove the leatherette and go in from the front. I honestly can not recall how the XE-5 is set up. Good luck.



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Be sure the camera's ON-OFF switch is ON before releasing the timer.

The timer arm can be wound with the switch OFF. But if the camera's switch is OFF, when the timer is released, the shutter will not fire, and the timer will stop at about the 10 O'Clock position. If this is the case, wind the timer again, turn the switch to ON, and release the timer by pressing the button. Try this before tearing into the camera's insides, (from the front).


A dead battery is not the issue, since the camera will fire at 1/90 without power. However, it is a good idea to check the battery (switch near the rewind knob).

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Proper servicing of an XE self-timer clockwork would require the whole 0571 front plate (with mirror box and prism holder) removed, something that you don't want to have to do (trust me, been there done that). There is a small triangular 1021 access plate and hole under the leatherette outboard of the XE s-t lever that gives very limited access to front levers of s-t mechanism. If you had to do a naptha job on this s-t would be very careful where and how little you applied fluid through this access hole. Would still not recommend even this.


Hopefully this jam-up is only because the XE wasn't "on" when you released the s-t. With film out and power switch to "on", recharge advance and s-t lever and try it at "B" (this works even without batteries, if nothing else is wrong).

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First of all, hearty thanks to you all for your helpful comments.


Somehow, my XE-5 is working again. Maybe it's because I put it on my lap this evening while I watched an old Star Trek: Next Generation episode on tape. Perhaps it's a fan.


The thought about the on-off switch might be more relevant. I think that, when the problem manifested, I had turned the camera on - but I can't swear so right now.


Later, even with the camera definitely switched on, it still wouldn't fire.


Then, an hour ago, I tried checking the batteries: pressed the switch at the left end of the top-plate cover. Nice, bright glow.


With the camera still turned on, I wound the self-timer arm fully (again) and pressed its button. The arm continued all the way! Success! The shutter fired - and it's now firing every time, with or without self-timer.


So first and last, very many thanks for your interest and suggestions.

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