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Maxxum 5D? What do you think?


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Not that I can afford the proposed price tag of the 7D. So, for the

guy who is drooling over the 7D but knows its out of reach, I was

wondering, what do you think, a 5D in our future? I currently use

the HTSI and love it. I think for me the 7D would be over kill and

would love a 5D instead (something more like Cannon did witht he

Rebel D.)


So what do you think? A 5D by mid 2005?

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If you can afford the 7D then why limit yourself with the (if they will make) 5D? The D7 is only a 6MP camera so what do you thing the 5D will be? A 5MP camera, not to mention the feature difference between the two. If that were the case then I'd spring for the D7. Honestly I don?t think Minolta will make a 5D, however I do see them (depending on overall sales and demand) making a D9.


I've been using a Maxxum 5 for a few years now and have been extremely happy. However I can't wait for the release of the 7D too. Not because I want to purchase one, but when they are released everyone and their mother will be getting rid of their film 7. And that's when I plan on picking a used one up for a good price. Good Luck!

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There have been rumors of a 5D in the first quarter of '05. I am sure it would have 6MP to compete with the DRebel (not because the extra MP's are that important but for marketing purposes) and would keep the Anti-shake, since that is a part of their prosumer cameras. I'm guessing the difference would be similar to the differences between the film 5 and 7--nearly the same features, but ergonomically the 7 is way better. If that is the route they go, I'd be very happy with the 5D. Hope the rumors are true...
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IMHO mid 2006 sounds more realistic for a 5D. Heck the 7D isn't even on the shelves yet, and I reckon they'd like at least a year to sell that camera before introducing inhouse competition. In addition things always tend to slide back a few months, so yeah, mid 2006 sounds about right to me.
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<i>drooling over the 7D but knows its out of reach, I was wondering, what do you think, a 5D in our future? I currently use the HTSI and love it. I think for me the 7D would be over kill and would love a 5D instead (something more like Cannon did witht he Rebel D.) <br>

So what do you think? A 5D by mid 2005?</i></p>


Other manufacturers have waited longer btwn their first DSLR release and a budget DSLR. Unfortunately, it wouldn't surprise me if Minolta did the same. They don't want to cannibalize any 7D by releasing a 5D too soon.





Manuel Garcia , oct 26, 2004; 12:27 p.m. wrote:<br><i>

If you can afford the 7D then why limit yourself with the (if they will make) 5D? The D7 is only a 6MP camera so what do you thing the 5D will be? A 5MP camera, not to mention the feature difference between the two. If that were the case then I'd spring for the D7. Honestly I don?t think Minolta will make a 5D, however I do see them (depending on overall sales and demand) making a D9.



Considering that Minolta has sold far more 5's than 9's, I think a budget DSLR would make more sense than an uber DSLR that few people will pay for. Also, I'm pretty sure that it won't be 5MP because that would require sourcing a 5MP APS chip and writing software for it. It would be cheaper for them to use the 6MP that is in the 7D. If anything, they will drop the magnesium components, the 2.5" screen, the focus selector, and a few other dials/buttons and force you to go into the menu more often to access features. They will probably keep AS but if they can bring the price down by $200 I'd be happy to see it gone.




I was originally planning on buying a 7D but IMO it's not a true digital 7. The missing AF illuminator and LCD status screen are major annoyances to me and I will bet that they will include these features in the next version of the 7D. Because of that, I will wait to see if a 5D comes out in the meantime.





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I'd love a 7D. I don't think I can afford one. Not now, maybe never! I don't think the 20D is the killer, it's the D70 and the digiRebel, etc. They are what are pulling sales away. Right now, not in some theoretical sense that a 5D might. And those are permanent losses. At least a 5D would keep the users in the family.


The two primary advantages of the dslrs over the higher end digicams are high iso performance and the optical finder. That's what the soccer/basketball/football parents need. They don't need esoterica. I hope Konica Minolta is paying a lot of attention to the high levels of disappointment about the the 7D price and the lack of any information about an entry level model.

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A 5D would make more economical sence. More people would be able to afford it than would be able to afford a 9D. Also think about it, the lower end 5, 4, 3, 50, 70, HTsi, XTsi, etc., have sold far more than the 7 and 9. granted more models probably equals more sales, but I think the demand for the lower level out strips Minolta's demand for the higher end models. Face it, Minolta is not the pro camera of choice. Calumet does not rent minolta lenses, only cannon and nikon. the demand for the consumer market could easily be won by minolta. They just need to grab it.
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According to KM, the shutter is a new design developed to integrate with the AS functionality. Top speed and flash sync are engineering compromises due to the nature of the AS mechanism. I'm not an engineer and not able to account for the limitations of the design, but I can imagine that there are some challenges to be met with all those moving parts operating reliably within tight tolerances in such close proximity.


Anyway, It's definetly not as easy as just using the old 5 shutter to keep costs down...

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