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Fuji XE2 vs XT1


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<p>With the launch of XT2, price drops have made the XT1 attractive. After some investigation, I stumbled upon the XE2. With the latest firmware, it looks like its major drawbacks (AF speed and EVF lag) have been taken care of. XE2 looks like a cleaner and more compact design and I'm wondering if I should get the XT1 at all.</p>

<p>I don't really have a preference between a viewfinder that is centered or is at the side. Should I? I'm shooting right eye now even though my left is dominant; will I be using my left eye with the XE2?</p>

<p>I've heard the viewfinder of the XT1 is bigger but XE2 VF is good too. How how good is the XE2 VF really?</p>

<p>I haven't tried the XE2 but I did hold an XT10 and XT1 and the XT10 was too small. I couldn't reach the buttons. Does the XE2 feel in hand more like a XT10 or XT1 in terms of button / wheel access?</p>

<p>I don't care for a flip screen or for weather sealing.</p>

<p>I don't really care for the ISO wheel if you can assign a Fn key to toggle between auto ISO and set ISO. Can the XE2 do that?</p>

<p>I don't much care for a seperate wheel for metering mode and drive mode because I don't change these often.<br /> Can an XE2 Fn key be assigned to switch to spot metering and back?</p>

<p><br />What else am I missing?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>It was the viewfinder on the XT-1 that made the difference for me as I pondered the same. Fuji really knocked it out of the park with the viewfinder on the XT-1,2. It was also said here on threads that if you live in the viewfinder, the XT-1 is your camera, if not then go otherwise.</p>
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<p>I've briefly tried the xe2s and xt1.</p>

<p>Besides the bigger VF and firmer grip, what immediately struck me is the wheel locks on the shutter and iso dials. Impossible to set shutter speed and iso using one finger, which is a serious flaw. You have to press with one finger while turning with the other! I could swiftly set shutter speed on the xe2 without performing the sort of finger acrobatics the xt1 asks for.</p>

<p>Have these locks been removed on the iso and shutter dials on the xt2 ?</p>

<p>I don't see myself paying more for clumsier controls, even though the VF is an improvement.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>The XT-2 dials have larger knurled surface area and the locks are different as they are designed to lock when locked and when unlocked the dials run free. My beef with the XT-1 is that the shutter speed dial can be disturbed when changing metering modes. A problem solved with the XT-2. The XT-2 has a myriad of improvements over the XT-1.</p>
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<p>I looked at X-T1 reviews and don't consider it appealing with X-T2 available. - Price isn't everything to me. <br>

A MILC should be easy to use and honestly: beyond its auto modes, the X-E1 lacks that feature in my eyes: Too much menu diving, not easy enough to shift the AF spot around and way too easily hitting the exposure compensation dial by accident, besides the vexing EVF lag and sluggish AF in that camera. - No clue about X-E2, it lacks an AF joystick doesn't it?<br>

I'm sure Fuji are on their way. - OTOH: I am once bitten twice shy and not pressed to invest into an improved compromise. - Waiting for the X-T2 sale out &/ a fast focusing macro lens seem options for me. - Besides great AF and user interface I'd also love a flip screen, I'm feeling too tall to do without (if nobody launches a DTLR in my price range).</p>

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<p>It's either xe2 now or xt2 next year when price drops. The difference in price between those two is 2.5x today. I don't want to spend that amount on an apsc body. </p>

<p>Not sure about the VF lag... does the xt2 have one? XE2 has some lag, but so does xt1.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>If your eventual target is an XT-2, XT-1 prices are low enough to get into the Fuji system and to echo words of wisdom from another contributor a while ago here, the investment of lenses are the true target for anyone looking to shift to another system. Fujinon glass is one of the most worthwhile reasons to do that. For some, bodies come and go, meaning they sell them off, I don't but I see the point. Just checked B&H, the price of the XT-1 is $100 less than the XE2s, body only. $899 for the XT-1 !</p>
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<p>XT2 is not necesarrily my goal as I like the design of the XE2.<br>

XT2 would be a forced choice because of tougher built and bigger VF.<br>

Still, XT2 is more than I need (I have no need for an ISO dial as I can access ISO by Fn keyt, which is probably quicker than a left hand dial, and don't see the point of a fake prism) and 2K for a crop body and kit lens is way too much.<br>

XE3 would be ideal :D but there isn't any.</p>

<p>After experiencing the disappointing dials of the XT1, I have no interest at all in the XT1</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Obviously you must take your own decision. However, having used both, in practice and performance, the XE2 is an old boot compared with the XT1. As have said earlier, I keep my XE2 for back-up.</p>

<p>Is the prism simply fake with no meaningful purpose?</p>

<p>I have the graphite version of the XT1. That does not make it take better pictures, but it does get admiring looks! The XE2 could be anything from anywhere.</p>

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