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Full frame vs Crop


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<p>William P, I am late with my thoughts here. If you have not yet made a purchase, I would say to rent the body that you are leaning towards, use some lenses that you know, and see if the images satisfy you. If you were happy shooting with primes, seriously consider the weight of that 50-100 1.8. It is a very tempting lens, but I would rent it before buying as well. Enjoy what you choose in the end, cause that is what this is all about.</p>
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  • 2 months later...
<p>I'm very late to this one, but wanted to pitch in my $0.02 in favour of the two-Sigma solution. I have much the same photographic tastes as William P - not much into lenses wider than 28 or longer than a 135. I shoot a fair bit of street as well. I don't do any shooting that requires a long lens. My body is a D7100.<br /><br />I recently went all-in on the two Sigmas, trading away a Nikkor 17-55 and 70-200 VR - along with a 20/1.8G, a 35/1.8 DX, an 85/1.8G, a 60/2.8G macro and a D300 body to get these lenses. Basically I went from all Nikkor glass to a totally Sigma solution.<br /><br />The focal ranges are exactly what I like - my favourite film setup was an M7 with a 28-35-50 Tri-Elmar, so the 18-35 Sigma feels like home, with an extra 2+ stops over the T-E, plus autofocus. What's not to like? The 50-100 is the same weight as my 70-200, but I get all that gorgeous separation and higher shutter speeds of the 1.8 aperture. My 85 always seemed to be either too short or too long for whatever I want to shoot, which is borne out by the fact that I shoot the 50-100 mostly at either end of its range.<br /><br />I'm stunned by the quality of this glass. The image quality of these two zooms is like nothing else I've experienced, or even imagined, on DX. I far prefer the IQ to what I was getting from 28/35/50/90 Summicrons on Provia back in the film days.</p>
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