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Hasselblad 503 CW, Sonnar CFi 250 mm & Mutar 2x


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<p>How should 503 CW with CFi 250 mm & Mutar 2x supported. It is obvious that the normal tripod thread under the camera is not enough with heavy and long lens combination and there is no tripod thread on the lens. Would there be some kind of tripod collar available or other solutions?</p>


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<p>Thank you of your replies!</p>

<p>The problem is not at all the head, I am just worried of the body. The lens is not so heavy, still it's centre of gravity is quite far of the head, especially with the Mutar and that makes a clear tension (M = F * l) to the body. That Manfrotto support sounds good.</p>


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<p>Kerkko, I have & use the 250mm on a 501cm with a couple different extension tubes as needed. So I am sharing based on experiences etc. I agree with Ed's comment, and the other reference/recommendation for the Bogen/Manfrotto 293. I use an older version of the 293 for other telephoto rigs & combos needing the support, but I am surprised that you would need this for your rig. What tripod & head combo is causing the problem? I use an older Gitzo Studex & ballhead with no issues, but it is an old, heavy-duty rig. For my 501CM + 350mm + Extender, I use a monster Gitzo + bigger ballhead. Here is a suggestion: Add a small counterweight atop your 503CW - like a small beanbag filled with lead shot. That may center & balance your combo. and absorb vibration from your winder if you are using it. The winder may be adding torque & vibration. That said, it may be time to shop for a bigger tripod & head? good ones last a lifetime; as some of mine are 40+ years old and still work great!</p>
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