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<p>Where oh where can I buy a rubber dampening disc that is part of the auxiliary shutter brake for the Hasselblad 500 C? I don't know the part number, although a have tried a couple of the usual suspects via the web and can not find someone who will sell me the part. <br>

Please help me before I take scissors to a good bicycle inner tube.</p>

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<p>The rubber disc for the brake assembly has not been available for many years. The reason for this is that the brake assembly was modified around 1970, as the rubber disc started to soften after a number of years, and created problems with the operation of the camera. I would strongly suggest that instead of trying to replace the rubber disc with another piece of rubber, that you purchase the updated brake assembly.<br>

<br />www.david-odess.com</p>

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<p>Thank you Mr. Odess. That's a point well taken, and I expect that any bit of rubber 45-odd years old would be far outside it's expiration date.<br>

Now the question is where to find an updated brake assembly? My first impulse is to find a dead donor 500 C/M but I've been down that road before with Nikon SLR's and have a closet full of reported dead but easily revived cameras and still no donor part.<br>

If only they were like kidneys where you could take one and still have one left.....<br>

(you have a neat website, by the way, and I wish my doctor had as good a reputation)</p>

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