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Info on Nikon SW 90 4.5 S coverage


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<p>You may or may not be aware that the standard wide-angle focal length for 8x10 is 165 mm, with 120 mm lenses being just usable with no movements. 8 x 10 coverage from a 90 mm lens is just too ambitious.</p>
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<p>Dan, it was at f16. I just examined the negative and there is a thin zone of unsharpness at the outer edge inside the exposed area. Probably explains why lens manufacturers understate the coverage of a lens, not just the cone of light, but also where sharpness and contrast are acceptable. It was a good exercise to make that negative. I learned the limits of my lens in a detailed way. </p>
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<p>Well thanks guys. I went with a Nikon sw 120. Man I hate eBay. Advertised as being is great shape and working properly. HOWEVER I noticed the aperture ring slides so easy, too easy. The slightest touch and it moves across the aperture range. Now the return process.</p>
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