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<p>I imagine they might add the feature if it was thought to be either useful or potentially profitable, but it'd seem unlikely to me.</p>

<p>I recall back when GPS was all the rage, computerized telescope mounts that had GPS capability were thought to be a big deal until GPS became common and redundant; now almost everything can be tethered to, or controlled by smartphones equipped with GPS.</p>

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<p>I guess I'm old fashioned. I have and use a GPS for work to identify and measure acreage, and occasionally on road trips through unfamiliar areas to locate attractions and amenities, (rarely to navigate) so it isn't the technology. I can't think of a reason I would want a GPS in a camera. The one camera I use that has the capability has that feature deliberately switched off. What good is it? <br>

For that matter, though I use it for laptops and kindles, what value does Wi-Fi have in a camera, except to Professionals? Everything I need to do can be done quickly and easily with a cable.</p>


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<p>If you have a separate GPS, an iPhone for example, Lightroom can merge a CSV file (trail of bread crumbs) with images, based on time of capture.</p>

<p>GPS data is useful if you're traveling and stop to take some photos. It helps catalog the images. I always drive with a GPS, and the bread crumbs are automatically recorded. The data would also be useful for legal purposes. You never know (q.v., Zapruder).</p>

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<p>When wandering and shooting in roadless, trail-less, un-signposted areas, GPS is a great thing to have tagged into the files at the time of capture. Synching the files later via a separately recorded breadcrumb log works, but is needless additional labor.<br>

The small, inexpensive Aokatec units I have for my Nikon cameras work really well, and are fairly unobtrusive when attached to the camera body.<br>

The absence of even the facility for an small external GPS unit to be attached is a significant failing of many/most MILCs.</p>

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