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Classic Manual Camera Weekend, July 15

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<p>Thanks, I have known for a while that I have to upgrade my scanner. I use a canoscan 8800 now and I understand I can do much better. A few years ago I found a cache of slides from 40's and 50's that hat had been sitting for a good 40 years. I am afraid to clean for fear that I may degrade them. The camera that many of them were taken with is still in my possession and I use it occasionally so I figure I can post the photos from it. </p>
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<p>Hi Donald, I have an 8800, you can scan 4 slides in a pass. The main drawback is that it doesn't have ICE correction. Clean the slide when mounting them in the holder will reduce the amount of manual spotting that you have to do.<br>

A puffer brush is a good non-damaging dusting tool. I have also used a product called "Film Cleaner", it looks to be mainly isopropyl alcohol (800ml/L) I don't know what the other 20% is.</p>

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