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Very Urgent: Need help


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<p>Wasn't sure where to post this question so I figured it was a beginners questions. I need to add a logo to a photo i took. The logo is a rectangle with a dark blue background with white writing. I need to place this logo in the middle of the photo, but I need the logo very faded. Almost as if the logo isn't even there. I have done countless google searches and youtube and I cannot figure out how to make the logo faded. If anyone can be of assistance to this I would be so grateful! Links to any websites or youtube videos that you find helpful to help me resolve this. I am using Photoshop 2015 CC and I have lightroom. Please help!!</p>
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<p>Should be pretty easy in Photoshop CC. Open your image. Then open up your logo image file. Select the entire logo and copy (EDIT - COPY). Click the tab for your main image to bring it back up. Then paste your logo (EDIT - PASTE). It should appear as a new layer over your main image. From there, you can resize or move it around by clicking the box next to "Show Transform Controls" at the top. Once you have it sized and placed you can adjust the opacity (amount of fading) using the slider bar on the right side under the Layers section. Just make sure you've got the logo layer selected. That should work for a one-time thing. If this is a logo you want on all your images, you can do that within Lightroom.</p>
David H
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<p>You've said before you're using Lightroom. It's quite simple to fade it in Lightroom. In the Watermark Editor, the opacity slider will fade it. The Anchor setting will put it in the middle. There's lotos of other controls in there. You definitely don't want to have to post the watermark in PS every time if your workflow is built around Lightroom.</p>
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